2021-22 Career Development Facilitator

This course will support the implementation of more robust career development programs in all Wyoming schools and to ensure consistency in the delivery of content and best practices in career development. Winter session: March 1-May 9, 2022. PTSB and UW credit are available for attendees. Please register here.


Workforce Wednesdays

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Team will be hosting a new series of professional development every Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. beginning in October and concluding at the end of May. This series is intended for CTE teachers, school counselors and students. CTE teachers who attend in-person will earn 1 focused professional … Continue reading Workforce Wednesdays

TeachUNITED School Accelerator Program Administrator Pathway

TeachUNITED’s School Accelerator Program: Administrator Pathway empowers school and district leaders to master the most effective and impactful strategies for supporting sustainable school improvement. The asynchronous online program guides you through embedding these best teaching and learning practices in your daily work with your staff as the leader of change and growth at your school. … Continue reading TeachUNITED School Accelerator Program Administrator Pathway

MBA Research Business and Marketing Professional Development

MBA Research is providing a professional development opportunity to Wyoming CTE Business and Marketing educators. This webinar series is designed to introduce the resources available through MBA Research and to share best practices on how to use these resources in the classroom. Registration is required for each of the live one-hour sessions. There is one … Continue reading MBA Research Business and Marketing Professional Development

Assessing the Needs

This webinar will cover understanding the role that assessment plays in the development of post-secondary success. Join Zoom Meeting-Meeting ID: 971 5653 8840 Passcode: 064010 https://zoom.us/j/97156538840?pwd=K3RqYTRCVG9OM1phRkx4eE00V242UT09

Jan Hoegh: Determining Accurate Grades

One component of standards-based learning is determining accurate information about performance to standards. In this session, Jan Hoegh overviews various aspects of standards-based reporting that must be addressed in order to ensure this accuracy, including topics such as separating academic performance from behavior and reteaching and reassessing. Jan will also address considerations for ensuring that … Continue reading Jan Hoegh: Determining Accurate Grades

E-Learning Collaborative: Empowering Student-Centered Online Learning (March Meeting)

The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) and the American Institutes for Research invite you to participate in the eLearning Collaborative, a new professional development series. This exciting series will focus on two strands: Supporting students at a distance. Developing and improving online content and courses. The eLearning Collaborative will include the following resources and learning … Continue reading E-Learning Collaborative: Empowering Student-Centered Online Learning (March Meeting)

Wyoming Multi-Tiered System of Supports (Wyoming MTSS): A Validated Approach to MTSS in Secondary Settings

Are you struggling with MTSS in your secondary setting? The Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring Systems (EWIMS) process provides a validated approach to implementing an MTSS framework at the secondary level. The Wyoming MTSS Center and national experts in secondary MTSS implementation from American Institutes for Research will model the seven steps of the EWIMS … Continue reading Wyoming Multi-Tiered System of Supports (Wyoming MTSS): A Validated Approach to MTSS in Secondary Settings

E-Learning Collaborative: Developing and Improving Online Content Courses (March Meeting)

The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) and the American Institutes for Research invite you to participate in the eLearning Collaborative, a new professional development series. This exciting series will focus on two strands: Supporting students at a distance. Developing and improving online content and courses. The eLearning Collaborative will include the following resources and learning … Continue reading E-Learning Collaborative: Developing and Improving Online Content Courses (March Meeting)


Workforce Wednesdays

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Team will be hosting a new series of professional development every Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. beginning in October and concluding at the end of May. This series is intended for CTE teachers, school counselors and students. CTE teachers who attend in-person will earn 1 focused professional … Continue reading Workforce Wednesdays

Developing a Plan

This webinar will show how to develop and implement a transition plan for students with complex needs, and how to manage each disability and create a plan of execution. Join Zoom Meeting-Meeting ID: 918 9932 1535 Passcode: 411893 https://zoom.us/j/91899321535?pwd=NUlLaFJXclg1TitsV2tYTGZJZ29VQT09

Wyoming MTSS Overview

Wyoming Multi-Tiered System of Supports (Wyoming MTSS) is a framework that focuses on system-level change and continuous improvement to provide each student with opportunities to maximize academic achievement and develop skills for success. In this training, participants will learn about MTSS and its essential components and how it benefits schools and students. Participants will use … Continue reading Wyoming MTSS Overview

WAVES SPED Law Series #2: Responding to Lack of Progress

SPED Law Series #2:  Responding to Lack of Progress Responding to Lack of Progress: Qualitative and Quantitative Remedies of Recovery Services - Amy Goetz This session will review the evolving issues of responses to lack of progress and decisions about appropriate recovery remedies due to COVID-related impacts, including compensatory education remedies generally and COVID Recovery … Continue reading WAVES SPED Law Series #2: Responding to Lack of Progress