Category Archives: Superintendent’s Update

State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder sends an update to school district superintendents so they can see the memos which will be sent out the following week and highlight statewide education work.

COVID-19 Resources Available

Dear Superintendents,

Below are several resources that we have not previously shared:

Post Secondary Attainment

Early in May, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released “The Condition of Education 2020.” For a snapshot of key information, check out the “Executive Summary” and “At a Glance” options.

Among the interesting data, educational attainment rates for 25- to 29-year-olds increased at all levels between 2000 and 2019.  During this time, the percentage with high school completion or higher increased from 88% to 94%, the percentage with an associate’s degree or higher increased from 38% to 49%, the percentage with a bachelor’s degree or higher increased from 29% to 39%, and the percentage with a master’s degree or higher increased from 5% to 9%.

Wyoming’s post-attainment goals and efforts, as well as an intensified focus on career and technical education, contribute positively to this trend.


I took time yesterday to film a few words of encouragement for the Laramie County Library summer reading challenge (with EvaLyn Flores, Early Literacy Specialist at Laramie County Library and Stephanie Prescott of REMAX Professionals). REMAX is among the program sponsors.

Memos to be released on Monday, June 1:

  • 2020-086:   Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) – Request for Proposal
  • 2020-087:   Wyoming Advisory Panel Meeting for Students
    with Disabilities
  • 2020-088:   RISE Award Application Now Open

Finding Moments of Hope

Dear Superintendents,

As the end-of-school year rituals pass us by, processing these strange times does not get any easier. From cleaning out lockers to graduation, May 2020 feels surreal. Energy at WDE is usually palpable this time of year. On any given day in May and June, our staff is gearing up for summer trainings – stuffing swag bags, finalizing agendas and speakers, traveling across the state, and looking forward to learning alongside our Wyoming education colleagues. It feels much different this year. Many of our staff members are teleworking and most of our summer conferences will be virtual. Nonetheless, we find moments of hope – those moments when we know education will be better because (or in spite) of this pandemic. Hang in there, Wyoming! We love working alongside you – virtually and in-person – to create even more opportunities for students.


The newly rolled out Level Up program is going full steam ahead and is comprised of 2020 district and state teachers of the year, along with their principals, and other teaching award recipients. The 2020 cohort met face-to-face in February and quickly built a community of enthused leaders. Recently, I convened the cohort to advise me – It was incredibly valuable and our meetings will continue. Also, two members of the cohort are now serving on the Smart Start working group (see below for information). My point here is this – not all districts select a teacher of the year and that means those districts miss the opportunity to celebrate great teachers AND the opportunity to participate in Level Up. It’s not too late to select a district teacher of the year. Here is the information. 

Here’s a bonus message to Wyoming graduates from Wyoming’s State Teacher of the Year, Dane Weaver, of Ten Sleep.


This week we kicked off the Smart Start Working Group. The working group is comprised of educators, healthcare professionals, and technology partners.

They will:

  • Consider key issues and make recommendations related to reopening schools for the 2020-21 school year to Governor Gordon’s COVID-19 Education Task Force
  • Develop draft guidance for school districts and other educational institutions
  • Recommend components for the Smart Start template that school districts will use
  • Communicate with partners and stakeholders

The working group is chaired by Wanda Maloney, Wyoming Accountability Director, and Stephanie Pyle, Wyoming Senior Administrator of Public Health. We look forward to providing updates and information.



WDE Chiefs and Division Directors share project updates via Zoom

There are a number of pertinent memos this week. Please be sure to take a few moment to preview over the holiday weekend as you honor fallen military men and women. The memos will be made public on Tuesday, May 26.


Memos to be released on Tuesday, May 26:

  • 2020-082:   Career Development Facilitator Training Summer/Fall 2020
  • 2020-083:   Professional Development Grant
  • 2020-084:   District Literacy Plans and WDE626 Early Literacy Data Collection
  • 2020-085:   Leader and Teacher Evaluation Approvals

Superintendent’s Update – May 18, 2020

Dear Superintendents,

Below are the memos that are being released on Monday, May 18.

Memos to be released:

  • 2020-074:   Cutting Edge Grant – Innovation and Development
  • 2020-075:   Technical Education Tuesdays
  • 2020-076:   2021 Wyoming Innovations in Learning Conference Survey
  • 2020-077:   End of Year 2020 WDE684 Data Collection Window and Training
  • 2020-078:   Native American Education Conference
  • 2020-079:   Virtual Education Vendor Teacher Collection


SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Student/Teacher Virtual Discussion with Wyoming Author C.J. Box

Dear Superintendents,

After two very successful virtual discussions with Senator John Barrasso and Congresswoman Liz Cheney, I want to invite your high school English, creative writing and history students and teachers to another special event, this time with Wyoming author C.J. Box.

Box, a New York Times best-selling author, will take questions from students and teachers from 11 a.m.-noon MDT on Friday, May 22 via the Zoom online platform. This is an opportunity for students to ask where Box gets his ideas for novels, including his highly successful Joe Pickett series, his books that have been made into television series, and the creative writing process in general.

Please see the memo included in this update for specific information on how teachers and students can register for this unique learning opportunity.

We look forward to another successful event with students, teachers, and C.J. himself.

Memos to be release today:

  • 2020-080:   Wyoming Author C.J. Box to Talk with English, Creative Writing, and History Students


Zoom Event with Sen. Barrasso

Dear Superintendents,

Media releases from my office this week:


Statement on school closures/openings


We had 380 secondary students and teachers from across Wyoming join a virtual conversation with Senator John Barrasso on Thursday.  As I understand, this was the first event of its kind in the nation. It was successful because our federal delegation is engaged, our teachers are dedicated, our students are curious, and the constraints of class periods and time in seats has been removed because of the pandemic.

This week, I will host a conversation with Congresswoman Liz Cheney, students, and teachers (memo below).


380 Wyoming students and teachers join Senator Barrasso in a virtual conversation

Memos to be released Monday, April 27:

  • 2020-061:   Call for Virtual Proposals: 2020 Wyoming Innovations in Learning Conference
  • 2020-062:   Teacher Appreciation Week

This Memo was released publicly on April 24:

  • 2020-063: Congresswoman Liz Cheney to Speak with Social Studies, Civics and Government Students


SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Student/Teacher Virtual Discussion with Congresswoman Cheney

Dear Superintendents,

On April 23, I hosted a live virtual discussion with 380 students and teachers across the state.

Today, I invite Wyoming high school Social Studies/Civics/Government teachers and their students to take part in another special virtual discussion, this time with U.S. Congresswoman Liz Cheney from 10-11 a.m. MDT on Thursday, April 30. This is a special opportunity for students to hear about issues of importance to Wyoming, and to ask questions about various topics they may be learning about in class.

Please see the memo included in this update for specific information on how teachers and students can register for this unique learning opportunity. 

We look forward to a successful event with students, teachers, and the Congresswoman.


  • 2020-063: Congresswoman Liz Cheney to Speak with Social Studies, Civics and Government Students

