Category Archives: Superintendent’s Update

State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder sends an update to school district superintendents so they can see the memos which will be sent out the following week and highlight statewide education work.

District and State Teacher of the Year Nominations

Dear Superintendents,

Welcome to summer, officially! We are excited about the participation in our summer trainings and opportunities! Thank you for encouraging staff attendance.

District and State Teachers of the Year

We have fewer applications than usual for our 2021 State Teacher of the Year (STOY). Please ensure:

  1. Your district selects a 2021 District Teacher of the Year (DTOY)
  2. Your DTOY fills out the application for STOY. The application is here.

Other Updates

  • The WDE will provide an ESSER funds update to districts in the coming days as more information about how “equitable services” affects Wyoming schools and ESSER fund calculations.
  • The Smart Start group finalized a draft fall reopening plan and presented it to the COVID-19 Education Task Force today (Friday). The draft plan contains requirements, recommendations, and considerations for schools as you consider how to reopen buildings for school in the fall.

Memos to be released on Monday, June 29:

  • 2020-101:    Webinar on English Learners and Title III Funding
  • 2020-102:    Plan “A” School Counselor Professional Development Days – Fall 2020

Wyoming Updates from USED

Dear Superintendents,

The United States Department of Education (USED) approved the following for Wyoming:

  • Wyoming received a provisional waiver permitting an extension of the period of availability in Section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act for Federal fiscal year (FFY) 2018 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B grant award funds. Grant award funds will be available for obligation through September 30, 2021 and may be liquidated through December 30, 2021.
  • Wyoming’s Perkins V plan was approved, along with fourteen other sates. The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) encourages states to expand opportunities for every student to access coursework that will put them on the path to success. Wyoming, along the other approved states, crafted a plan to fulfill a promise to offer robust Career and Technical Education (CTE) options for students. The plan was developed in consultation with key constituents representing education and workforce, business and industry, and parents and community leaders.

In-person Instruction Updates:

  • Governor Gordon released new health orders on June 10. The orders relax in-person instruction restrictions and go into effect on June 15. School districts should continue to work with local health officials to determine appropriate practices.
  • The Smart Start group continues to work on considerations, recommendations, and requirements for fall reopening. This should not preclude school districts from developing local plans.

Summer and Fall Professional Development:

  • Many of our upcoming professional development opportunities have shifted to an online format. This has given us flexibility and unforeseen opportunities to expand offerings. Please be sure to check our website for updates and events.
  • TWO such events (Perkins V, literacy) are included with this week’s memos.

Memos to be released on Monday, June 15:

2020-091:    Technical Education Tuesdays
2020-092:    Virtual Learning Professional Development Survey
2020-093:    Computer Science Teacher Competency Review Committee
2020-094:    End of Year WDE652 Staffing Collection
2020-095:    WDE and UW Co-Sponsored K-3 Literacy Conference