Category Archives: News Releases

News releases from the Wyoming Department of Education

The WDE Seeks Public Comment on Amended Chapter 29 Rules Leader and Teacher Evaluations Systems

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) seeks public comment on revised Chapter 29 Rules: Evaluation Systems for District and School Leaders and Teachers. The rules are being revised following passage of HEA0061 during the 2019 legislative session, which requires the implementation and administration of a comprehensive teacher evaluation system. The new statutes went into effect on July 1, 2019. Since going into effect, the WDE has engaged stakeholders from across the state to develop draft rule changes.

The rules will establish general criteria for school district teacher performance evaluation systems that provide school districts flexibility in designing teacher evaluations to improve classroom instruction. Under the proposed rules, the SBE will approve evaluation systems for leaders in the school district, and teachers who provide direct instruction to students. Approval of evaluation systems for other certified personnel, including nurses or instructional facilitators, will no longer be required. More information can be found in the Statement of Reasons.

At the September 20 meeting in Laramie, the SBE voted to withdraw proposed Chapter 29 rules and promulgate amended rules adding language that clarifies that school districts’ locally designed leader evaluation system must align to a majority of the benchmarks within professional Standard One of the state-defined system. The standard encompasses clear and consistent focus on maximizing the learning and growth of all students.

The public comment period for Chapter 29 rules will close at 11:59 p.m. on December 6, 2019. Comments may be submitted online or mailed to:

Laurel Ballard
Supervisor – Student/Teacher Resource Team
Wyoming Department of Education
122 W. 25th St. Suite E200
Cheyenne, WY 82002

All public comments will be recorded verbatim, including the submitter’s name and city of residence, on the Secretary of State website as part of the rules promulgation process. When commenting, specify which section of the rule the comment concerns.

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Media contact:

Michelle Panos, Communications Director


Four Wyoming Teachers Receive the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

CHEYENNE – Four Wyoming teachers – Necole Hanks, Amy Kassel, Helen Ommen, and Jim Stith – have received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). President Donald J. Trump made the announcement of the 2017/2018 winners on Tuesday.

PAEMST is the highest recognition that K-12 mathematics, science, or computer science teachers can receive in the U.S. Nominations and awards are facilitated by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the National Science Foundation.

Hanks teaches sixth-grade science at Powell Middle School, Kassel is the secondary mathematics curriculum coordinator and instructional facilitator with Laramie County School District #1 in Cheyenne, Ommen teaches gifted and talented students at Spring Creek Elementary School in Laramie, and Stith teaches environmental science at Newcastle High School.

“These four teachers are an inspiration to students and colleagues. They are true leaders,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow. “I am so very proud of Necole, Amy, Helen and Jim for their dedication to math and science education, and for their commitment to the students of Wyoming.”

A panel of distinguished mathematicians, scientists, and educators at the state and national level assess the applications before recommending nominees to OSTP. Teachers are selected based on their distinction in the classroom and dedication to improving science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. Enacted by Congress in 1983, the program authorizes the President to award 108 math and science teachers each year in recognition of their contribution to excellent teaching and learning.

“I truly feel honored to receive an award of this magnitude,” Hanks said. “I am blessed to share my passion for teaching science to future world changers and even more fortunate to improve my practice each day.”

“I am eager to have the opportunity to build partnerships with like-minded colleagues for the benefit of students,” Ommen said. “This award will be a powerful tool for more innovation and learning.”

“Mathematics education is my passion,” said Kassel, who taught 7-12 grade mathematics at East High School in Cheyenne at the time of her 2017 nomination. “I am excited to be part of this community of teacher-leaders, with an opportunity to impact mathematics education in my district, and our state and nation.”

“It is an honor not only for myself, but also for the coworkers, mentors, and administrators who gave me the opportunity to advance my teaching abilities,” Stith said. “My love for science and knowledge was inspired by Sharla Dowding, a high school science teacher, and I strive to pass that passion on to my students.”

The awardees come from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools, and schools in four U.S. territories. Each recipient receives a certificate signed by the President; a trip to Washington D.C. to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities; and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.

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Media contact:

Michelle Panos, Communications Director


WDE Receives Federal Grant to Strengthen Computer Science Education

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) is one of nine entities across the country to be awarded federal grant money for Career and Technical Education (CTE); the WDE will receive $489,714 over the next three years to strengthen Computer Science education across the state.

The WDE will use the Innovation & Modernization Grant, a Perkins V program, to implement its Boot Up Wyoming initiative to bring Computer Science and computational thinking to every Wyoming classroom by 2022. To do that, the WDE will create Computer Science micro-credentials for teachers to improve instruction in the field. Additionally, the WDE will revise the micro-credentials to create a way for students to earn both high school credit and industry certification.

“This grant boosts our ability to ensure that Wyoming graduates are ready for college, a career, or military service,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow. “Computer Science education is relevant and imperative for every student. Wyoming is at the forefront of making sure the next generation is well-prepared for jobs that are ever-changing because of technology, and for jobs that don’t yet exist – but they will.”

Of the 64 eligible grant proposals reviewed for this competition, only nine were funded. The WDE’s proposal received one of the highest rankings from panels made up of reviewers with expertise in CTE and STEM education. The WDE will use the grant to help serve school districts in rural communities, and has already formed partnerships to make sure these under-served areas develop Computer Science curriculum.

Project partners include:

  • Carbon County School District #1
  • Fremont County School District #14
  • Uinta County School District #1
  • University of Wyoming
  • Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board
  • Wyoming Workforce Development Council
  • Computer Science Teachers Association, Wyoming Chapter
  • American Institutes for Research

“We know that access to high-quality Career and Technical Education options can open up new pathways to success for students,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in announcing the grant recipients. “It’s gratifying to see each of these grantees rethinking education and modernizing workforce training in their communities to ensure students have the skills they need for in-demand, high-paying jobs.”

The funds will assist districts that serve students in Qualified Opportunity Zones. These zones are designed to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities throughout the country by providing tax benefits to investors who invest eligible capital into these communities.


Media contact:

Michelle Panos, Communications Director


Dane Weaver Named Wyoming’s 2020 Teacher of the Year

2020 Wyoming Teacher of the Year Dane Weaver

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow congratulates 2020 Wyoming Teacher of the Year, Dane Weaver.

CHEYENNE – Dane Weaver, a grade 7-12 social studies teacher at Ten Sleep K-12 School in Washakie County School District #2, has been named Wyoming’s 2020 Teacher of the Year, during the Superintendent’s Policy Summit in Laramie Wednesday.

“Dane has a special gift for teaching and leading,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow. “He teaches for the future – getting students ready for what’s to come, and he knows that relationships and connecting with students are as important as teaching technical skills. Dane’s charisma is infectious – I am so excited that he will represent rural education, Wyoming, and the teaching profession as our 2020 Teacher of the Year.”

Weaver is also the assistant high school football coach, high school student council advisor, and serves on the Building Intervention Team. He has taught in Ten Sleep the past three years. Weaver is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee, earning a Bachelor’s of Art degree, then earning his Master’s in Educational Leadership from Carson Newman College in Jefferson City, Tennessee.

Weaver grew up in a service-based household. His mother, who was the first female agriculture teacher in Tennessee, believed in inspiring others through education.

Weaver said he believes students should not only be educated, but inspired to be life-long learners. His classroom is full of energy, with students driving the content towards a higher level of understanding. Weaver pushes students to investigate the content with a curious mind, breaking away from the drudgery of the traditional “sage of the stage” style education.

“Mr. Weaver is always willing to help a student who is struggling,” said Ten Sleep eighth-grader Kinley Anderson. “If I need any help in his class and it is a weekend or school is already out for the day, I can usually contact Mr. Weaver through Google Classroom and within a few minutes, I can have assistance with whatever I need help with. He is at school early and stays late, so students can come in at almost any time and receive help. In school, Mr. Weaver interacts with the students in an easy going way and he is always around to crack a joke or ask you how your day is going, but he still remains professional.”

“Mr. Weaver comes to work with enthusiasm and good humor every day,” said Ten Sleep science teacher Brian Titus. “His content knowledge is exceptional and his ability to connect with each student is a daily reminder to us all that we can make a significant difference through our relationships and that those relationships are the doorway to learning.”

“Let us come together and embrace change, let us revel in being different for the sake of our students,” Weaver said. He added that classrooms in Wyoming should be built to fit student needs. Classrooms need to be full of peer to peer collaboration. Classrooms should be enjoyable to our students, they should be welcoming, and built with rigor in mind. We need to be willing to change in a minute’s notice to better educate our students. Lessons that worked five years ago might be as relatable as an abacus to a kindergartner.

The Wyoming Teacher of the Year comes with the significant responsibility of representing the teaching profession in Wyoming. The Wyoming Teacher of the Year acts as liaison among the teaching community, Wyoming Legislature, Wyoming Department of Education, districts and communities. In addition, the Teacher of the Year is an education ambassador to businesses, parents, service organizations, and media, as well an education leader involved in teacher forums and education reform.

Along with the 2020 Wyoming Teacher of the Year, the Wyoming Department of Education also announced a new program called Level Up. The program will include all District Teachers of the Year and their principals, with the goal of elevating Wyoming’s education professionals by providing leadership development, continuous learning, building relationships, and increasing advocacy for the teacher profession.

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Media contact:
Michelle Panos, Communications Director


2018-19 School Performance Ratings Released for Wyoming Schools

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) has released school accountability results for the 2018-19 school year. Full results are available online.

“The results show improvement from 2017-18 to 2018-19 with more schools exceeding expectations and fewer schools partially or not meeting expectations,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow. “Deliberate state and local supports are proving effective in helping schools improve student outcomes.”

This is the second year that schools have operated under a new comprehensive accountability system that reflects requirements from both state and federal accountability systems. School performance is evaluated  based on a combination of student performance indicators. Chief among those indicators is student performance on the state assessment, WY-TOPP.

Under state law, all Wyoming elementary, middle, and traditional high schools receive one of four School Performance Ratings (SPR): Exceeding Expectations, Meeting Expectations, Partially Meeting Expectations, or Not Meeting Expectations. For the first time, alternative schools also received a rating this year based on their performance on a different scoring model. The 2018-19 SPRs show that 56.1% of Wyoming traditional schools are Meeting or Exceeding Expectations and 70.6% of Wyoming alternative schools are Meeting or Exceeding Alternative School Expectations.






Under federal law, schools in need of support are identified. There are three types of support:

  • Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) is for Title I schools performing among the lowest in the state and any school with a graduation rate below 67 percent.
  • Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) is for any school that has a specific group of students that is not performing well.
  • Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) is for schools that have a specific group of students that is chronically not performing well.

There are currently 20 schools designated as CSI, 42 schools designated as TSI, and one school designated as ATSI.

“State and federal requirements, working together, give us a comprehensive and transparent view of education in Wyoming,” Balow said. “These results give us a picture of which schools are performing well – and which need assistance and support, so we can better serve our students. At the state level we lead efforts to assist our lowest performing schools. The real work takes place when school leaders provide interventions to struggling students and improve school culture.”

The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) will host a media call-in at 1 p.m. on Monday, September 16 to discuss the 2018-19 school performance ratings. To join the call-in, visit, or dial 888-670-9530 or 307-438-9905, or join us in person in Room 227 of the Herschler East Building, 122 W. 25th St. E200 in Cheyenne.  


Accountability FAQ

Media contact:
Michelle Panos, Communications Director

REVISED: WDE Seeks Public Comment on Perkins V Performance Assessment Targets

This news release was revised to include updated postsecondary targets (highlighted in yellow), indicator definitions, and an extended public comment period closing date.

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) is taking public comment on proposed performance assessment targets for the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). Perkins V (five) provides federal funding for secondary and postsecondary career and technical education in Wyoming. The 2019-20 federal award to Wyoming is $5,037,372.

In order to receive these funds, Wyoming must submit a plan for Wyoming Career and Technical Education (CTE) for the next four years, which includes these statewide performance assessment targets. The Perkins V State Advisory Council of stakeholders was formed to propose guidelines and performance assessment targets for school districts and community colleges receiving Perkins funds in order to provide student learners with high quality educational and work-based learning opportunities.

The federally-required indicators below refer to measurements that WDE will use annually to evaluate whether CTE goals have been met statewide. Definitions for these indicators can be found in the Perkins V Indicator Definitions document.


The public comment period on the proposed targets is extended until November 8, 2019. Comments can be submitted online or mailed to:

Wyoming Department of Education
Attn: Dr. Michelle Aldrich
122 West 25th Street, Suite E200
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Please specify which target you are commenting upon by referencing its indicator number.

Perkins V was signed into law in July of 2018. Wyoming’s one-year transition plan was approved in July of 2019. States must submit their full plan for Perkins V by April 15, 2020. More information on Wyoming CTE and Perkins V is available here.


Media contact:

Michelle Panos, Communications Director


WDE Seeks Public Comment on Perkins V Performance Assessment Targets

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) is taking public comment on proposed performance assessment targets for the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). Perkins V (five) provides federal funding for secondary and postsecondary career and technical education in Wyoming. The 2019-20 federal award to Wyoming is $5,037,372.

In order to receive these funds, Wyoming must submit a plan for Wyoming Career and Technical Education (CTE) for the next four years, which includes these statewide performance assessment targets. The Perkins V State Advisory Council of stakeholders was formed to propose guidelines and performance assessment targets for school districts and community colleges receiving Perkins funds in order to provide student learners with high quality educational and work-based learning opportunities.

The federally-required indicators below refer to measurements that WDE will use annually to evaluate whether CTE goals have been met statewide. In setting the proposed performance assessment targets, the Perkins V State Advisory Council used historical data and federal guidelines. By federal definition, secondary concentrators are students who have completed two courses in a career program of study and postsecondary concentrators are students who have completed 12 credit hours in a career program of study or an industry credential.


Public comment will be taken until November 8, 2019. Comments can be submitted online or mailed to:

Wyoming Department of Education

Attn: Dr. Michelle Aldrich

122 West 25th Street, Suite E200

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Please specify which target you are commenting upon by referencing its indicator number.

Perkins V was signed into law in July of 2018. Wyoming’s one-year transition plan was approved in July of 2019. States must submit their full plan for Perkins V by April 15, 2020. More information on Wyoming CTE and Perkins V is available here.


Media contact:

Michelle Panos, Communications Director


National Education Quality Report Ranks Wyoming System Sixth in Nation

CHEYENNE – Education Week’s 23rd annual report card, Quality Counts 2019, ranks Wyoming sixth nationally in education quality – up one spot from seventh nationally in 2018. Once again, Wyoming scored the highest among western states, and first in the nation in school finance.

“It is always positive news to see Wyoming at the top of national rankings, and also improving from year to year,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow. “Adequate funding for education has been a bedrock of Wyoming education since the state’s founding. Our funding model has allowed us to make a real difference in the lives of all students. For instance, the Nation’s Report Card places Wyoming above national averages consistently from year to year.”

“This is no coincidence. Funding alone does not equate to a great education. Funding plus great schools in supportive communities makes all the difference,” Balow added.

The 2019 grades are based on three key indices: the Chance-for-Success Index; K-12 Achievement Index; and school finance.


Wyoming Highlights Report

How States Were Graded

Audio from Superintendent Balow

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Media Contact: Michelle Panos, Communications Director

2019 WY-TOPP Results Available Online

CHEYENNE – Results for the second administration of the Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress (WY-TOPP) are now available online. The results indicate an increase in proficiency rates over most grade levels and content areas.

Overall student proficiency rates have increased in English Language Arts (ELA) by 2.6%, Math by 2.1% and Science by .9%. The largest increases occurred in grade 9 ELA, rising 8.3%, grade 3 ELA, rising 3.4% and grade 6 Math, rising 3.1%

“Students are comfortable with the online format of WY-TOPP and teachers have meaningful results almost immediately,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow. “Besides providing a much better measure of student performance, WY-TOPP has allowed us to spend less money on statewide assessments – and take up less classroom time for testing .”


Wy-TOPP is administered through an adaptive online platform. Students in grades 3-10 took WY-TOPP summative assessments for math and English language arts. Grade 4, 8, and 10 students were also assessed in science through a fixed-form online assessment. Students in grades 3, 5, 7, and 9 were assessed in writing. More information is available here.

New this year, the Wyoming Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (WY-ALT) moved from a paper-and-pencil assessment to the same online platform as WY-TOPP.

WY-TOPP results will be used to inform accountability determinations, which will be released on September 16, 2019.

Along with the WY-TOPP results, the 2019 state-, district-, and school-level results for the ACT taken by students in grade 11 are also available online.


The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) will host a media call-in at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, August 28 to discuss the spring 2019 statewide testing results. To join the call-in, visit, or dial 888-670-9530 or 307-438-9905, or join us in person in Room 227 of the Herschler East Building, 122 W. 25th St. E200 in Cheyenne.

Assessment FAQ

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Media Contact: Michelle Panos, Communications Director

WDE Seeks Public Comment on Chapter 38 Rules on the Hathaway Success Curriculum

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) seeks public comment on proposed revisions to Chapter 38 rules concerning changes to the Hathaway Success Curriculum, which students are required to take in order to earn a Hathaway Scholarship.

As a result of the passage of Senate Enrolled Act 20 in 2019, students now have more options for meeting the Hathaway elective requirements. The proposed rules reflect these new provisions.

Prior to the new law,  students were required to complete two years of a foreign language in sequence plus two years of either fine arts, career and technical education or additional foreign language, in order to qualify for an Honors or Performance Scholarship. Now students must complete four years total of foreign language, fine and performing arts, or career and technical education. Students must take at least two years of related courses in sequence. In addition, one year of high school coursework taken prior to high school may satisfy one year of the four year requirement.

For 2019 and 2020 high school graduates, students can take either the current Success Curriculum or the new amended curriculum. The new Success Curriculum will take full effect in the 2021 school year.

The public comment period on the proposed rule revisions will be open from August 19 through October 6, 2019. Comments can be submitted online or mailed to:

Wyoming Department of Education
Attn: Jennifer LaHiff
122 West 25th Street, Suite E200
Cheyenne, WY 82002

All public comments will be recorded verbatim, including the submitter’s name and city of residence, on the Secretary of State website as part of the rules promulgation process.

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Media Contact:
Michelle Panos, Communications Director