Category Archives: Superintendent’s Update

State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder sends an update to school district superintendents so they can see the memos which will be sent out the following week and highlight statewide education work.

CARES Act Information Available

Dear Superintendents,


Implementation of the CARES Act is happening quickly at Secretary DeVos’s request. Over $6 billion was made available to institutions of higher education to provide direct emergency cash grants to students whose lives and educations have been disrupted by COVID-19. Students may use these funds for course materials and technology, as well as food, housing, health care, and child care. 

The CARES Act provides over $14 billion to support higher education students and institutions.  Institutions will receive allocations and guidance for the institutional share of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund in the coming weeks.

Also this week, Secretary DeVos announced the next tranche of funding, making nearly $3 billion available to governors.  The Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund is a flexible emergency block grant designed to enable governors to decide how best to meet the needs of their students, schools (including charter schools and non-public schools), institutions of higher education, and other education-related organizations.  

The Department will address the $13.5 billion in CARES Act funding for K-12 schools in the coming days.



Memos to be released on Monday, April 20:

  • 2020-055:   Accreditation Training Registration
  • 2020-056:   Open Range Wyoming Launch
  • 2020-057:   Reopening of the WDE602 WISE School District Staff Member Collection April 20-24, 2020
  • 2020-058:   2020-2021 McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Grant Request for Applications
  • 2020-059:   Senator John Barrasso to Speak with Government Students

NOTE: Memo 2020-059 was released to the public earlier today to allow for teacher planning and coordination.


SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Student/Teacher Virtual Discussion with Senator John Barrasso

Dear Superintendents,

I invite Wyoming high school Social Studies/Civics/Government teachers and their students to take part in a special virtual discussion with Senator John Barrasso from 11 a.m.-noon MDT on April 23, 2020. This is a special opportunity for students t

o hear about issues of importance to Wyoming, and to ask questions about various topics they may be learning about in class.

Please see the memo included in this update for specific information on how teachers and students can register for this unique learning opportunity. 

Memos to be released:

  • 2020-059:  Senator John Barrasso to Speak with Social Studies, Civics, and Government Students.


Week One with Adapted Learning Plans is in the Books

Well, week one with adapted learning plans is in the books. Two lessons we can all take away:

  1. This is a challenge for all of us!
  2. Patience is a critical attribute for success.

Upcoming Training Opportunities:

Memo 2020-052  (below also) has important updates to our annual STAR Conference, scheduled for June 8-10, 2020 in Riverton.

If your inbox is like mine, I am innundated with sales pitches and offers to attend webinars. I also have a few trusted resources. One of those is the Hunt Institute. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are facilitating this timely and relevant training for teachers, principals, and superintendents. I look forward to joining with many of you on April 14 at 11:00 a.m. Wyoming time.

Click on this link or the photo below to register (registration is free but required).


Memos to be released on Monday, April 13, 2020:

  • 2020-050: Teacher Trainings June 22-26, 2020
  • 2020-051:   Call for Perkins Coordinator of the Year Nominations
  • 2020-052:   STAR Conference June 8-10, 2020


Special Update from Superintendent Balow–April 7, 2020


Dear Superintendents,

Every active minute counts! Your PE teachers and coaches are counting on everyone to stay healthy – and the WDE can help. In fact, I challenge students, educators, and all Wyomingites to upload pictures of their physical activity during this time – just remember to social distance! Tag the WDE on Facebook or Twitter (@WYOEducation) in the pictures and use these hashtags:



Additional memo to be released today:

  • Memo 2020-049: COVID-19 Guidance Updates – April 7, 2020
