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Superintendent Degenfelder Launches Principal Leadership Program In Collaboration With UW

CHEYENNE – Superintendent Megan Degenfelder and the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) have launched the 307 Principal Leadership Academy in collaboration with the University of Wyoming (UW) College of Education and with the support of secondary and elementary principal associations. The academy will provide support and training for principals in the early years of their career, which in turn will improve education leadership statewide.

“This initiative is a direct response to recommendations we heard from the Teacher Retention and Recruitment Task Force, that teachers needed stronger support from school leadership. Systems are only as strong as the leaders they possess, and by increasing development opportunities for new principals, we can build stronger systems which lead to stronger student outcomes,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Megan Degenfelder. 

The unique two-year mentorship program will assist principals in years one to five in gaining the knowledge required to support the staff in their buildings. The program, developed by a task force of superintendents, principals, and curriculum directors, will match the new school leaders with seasoned Wyoming principal mentors to help them improve coaching, communication, and relationship building skills.

“The best part of this initiative is that it is locally driven– Wyoming principal to Wyoming principal,” said Degenfelder. 

The Principal Leadership Academy demonstrates our commitment with the Wyoming Department of Education to develop exceptional school leaders. This partnership aims to cultivate principals who inspire teachers and enhance student learning. Effective leadership is crucial for building strong school communities where educators and students can reach their full potential,” says Jenna Shim, UW College of Education Dean. 

The academy will kick off in Casper in July. The work will include regional in-person gatherings focused on Wyoming specific topics presented by local principals. In addition to professional learning, participants will become part of a network of educational leaders and resources from across the state to continue their collaboration and growth. 

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director

Superintendent Degenfelder To Host Education Town Hall In Gillette

CHEYENNE – State Superintendent of Public Instruction Megan Degenfelder and the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) will host an Education Town Hall at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 11 at the George Amos Memorial Building in Gillette. Members of the public are invited to join and share feedback.

Superintendent Degenfelder will provide an update on the WDE Strategic Plan, and share how the agency works with local leaders to support students. Find additional information here.

Join us and watch live via the WDE Facebook page.

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director

WDE Seeks Public Comment On Perkins V Wyoming State Plan Indicators

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Education is seeking public comment on the proposed secondary and postsecondary indicators within the Wyoming State Plan for the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). The act provides federal funding for career and technical education in Wyoming.

When the Wyoming State Performance Indicators were set and released for public comment in January 2024, the most recent data available was 2020-21 SY and 2021-22 SY. The Department has finalized the 2022-23 SY data and has updated the plan’s goals based on the new data. Review the updated goals to learn more.

The comment period begins on June 28 and ends on July 28. Virtual public comment sessions will take place:

Comments can also be submitted submitted online or via mail to:

Mary Billiter
Wyoming Department of Education
122 W. 25th St. Suite E200
Cheyenne, WY 82002

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


CHEYENNE – Today the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) launched the Civics Ed Center in collaboration with the University of Wyoming – Malcolm Wallop Civic Engagement Program. The project marks the completion of a goal within the Develop Citizenship for Students initiative in Superintendent Degenfelder’s WDE Strategic Plan.

“Above all else, our job in public education is to prepare students for jobs and to be good American citizens, instilling in them a patriotic appreciation for our system of government and a sense of obligation to participate, to sacrifice for the future of our country. We must bring back patriotism in schools, and this initiative is a critical tool in that effort,” said State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder.  

The center is the result of the work of a subcabinet of education stakeholders who were appointed by Superintendent Degenfelder from across Wyoming to represent the interest of students, parents, school districts, and communities. The goal of Enhancing Civics Education and Engagement is intended to support the work being done by districts, schools, and community organizations through researching resources and making them readily accessible. 

“By bringing together a dedicated group of stakeholders, we have put together resources – those highlighting excellent work being done by Wyoming-based organizations as well as national sources – that we believe will build new collaborations between educators and community groups to advance civics education in our state,” says Jean Garrison, Co-Director, Malcolm Wallop Civic Engagement Program.

Through an intensive six month process, the group developed a broad collection of national, state, and local resources. This spring, the final step in the work was taken on by the UW Malcolm Wallop Civic Engagement Program team. This included aligning the resources with the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards and the State Board of Education’s Profile of a Graduate, and developing the online location within the UW WyoLearn platform. 

The subcabinet will continue its work with goals focused on the development of citizenship in Wyoming students. Members include Dr. Jean Garrison, Dr. Jason McConnell, Ashley Bright, Leah Curtsinger, Matt Strannigan, Becca Steinhoff, Tom Grogan, Bill Lambert, Rindy West, Erin Lindt, Amberlee Beardsley, Bryce Mittelstadt, Jessica Case, and Andy Pannell.

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) and the University of Wyoming will host a hybrid media event at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 1 in the Capitol Complex Auditorium, basement-level of the Herschler Building. State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder will launch the Civics Ed Center as part of the goal stated in her 2023-27 WDE Strategic Plan to develop citizenship for students.

Media partners participating online can register here.

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


CHEYENNE – State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder’s Assessment Reduction & Efficiency Plan was presented today at the Wyoming State Board of Education’s (SBE) annual retreat in Newcastle. Work will continue on these recommendations in collaboration with the SBE and the legislature.

“I have heard the concerns of educators, parents, and students about the need to reduce the burden of testing. As a result, I am proposing this plan to reduce and streamline the state assessment system while still maintaining the academic rigor we need to provide valuable insight into student learning.”

The plan includes a decrease of 30% of the number of items on the math assessment in grades 3-8, which aligns with the recently reduced math and science standards proposed by the SBE and WDE, as well as removal of Kindergarten through grade 2 (K-2) interim assessments, removal of the grade 3 writing assessment, possible removal of mandatory assessment for grade 9, and an updated math assessment in high school which focuses less on course-based math content and more on comprehensive math skills. The plan also includes the release of additional diagnostic tools for teachers, so they can use the assessment in a more meaningful way. 

For more information, read the plan

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Media Contact: Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


CHEYENNE – On Thursday, June 20, Superintendent Megan Degenfelder joined her counterparts from several states including Florida, Louisiana, and Montana, at an event in Washington D.C. to oppose the Biden Administration’s new Title IX rules. The Heritage Foundation organized the group of state education officials, state attorneys general and solicitors general, parental rights advocates, and student-athletes to speak on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to respond to the rule changes that will negatively impact millions of Americans.

“These rules are dangerous. They physically endanger biological females and infringe upon the constitutional rights of students and teachers by attacking due process, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Our efforts to push back are already showing promising results with federal courts in Kentucky and Louisiana temporarily blocking the rules. We must continue the fight, it is long from over.”    

Superintendent Degenfelder was joined by Florida Commissioner Manny Diaz; Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill; Louisiana Superintendent Cade Brumley; Montana Solicitor General Christian Corrigan; Montana Superintendent Elsie Arntzen; Paula Scanlan, Student Athlete; Lainey Armistead, Former West Virginia Collegiate Athlete; Rachel Rouleau, Alliance Defending Freedom; Kim Hermann, Southeastern Legal Foundation; Sarah Parshall Perry, The Heritage Foundation; Lindsey Burke, The Heritage Foundation; and Tiffany Justice, Moms for Liberty.

Degenfelder recently announced that Wyoming will join a lawsuit opposing the rules and has provided guidance that Wyoming schools should continue under their current Title IX policies and practices. Degenfelder is a former high school and college athlete and coaches the University of Wyoming Women’s Rugby Team. 

Megan Degenfelder stands grasping a podium wearing a red blazer and black blouse in front of the US Supreme Court Building.

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


With the August 1 implementation date for the new U.S. Department of Education Title IX rules approaching, I want to provide an update on the progress being made to push back. I continue to oppose these new rules because they endanger female students, decrease the due process rights of teachers and students, infringe upon the religious liberty of teachers and students, and create unnecessary and overly burdensome requirements on school districts. 

I have partnered with Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon and Attorney General Bridget Hill to join a lawsuit with Kansas, Alaska, Oklahoma, and Utah to challenge these rules. Currently, more than half of the country’s states have joined lawsuits challenging these rules. I will be uniting with education officials from across the country who are involved with these lawsuits in D.C. next week to discuss our collective legal and political strategy. The more we work together, the more influence we have to defeat these ill-conceived rules. 

While I cannot predict the outcome of those lawsuits, I do believe that some or all of the rules will be enjoined, overturned, or otherwise invalidated when the dust in the courtroom settles. Therefore, my recommendation is that the most prudent course of action at this time for Wyoming school districts is to continue under their current Title IX policies and practices. 

Wyoming districts have robust policies in place to prevent and address discrimination of all types, and I am confident these education leaders will continue to carry them out with fidelity. As districts consult with local legal counsel regarding the new rules, know that we are working hard to sort through the potential implications. It is my goal to ensure that top-down federal edicts do not prevent Wyoming’s school districts from continuing to provide a safe environment for all students and staff. 

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


CHEYENNE –In anticipation of the January 1, 2025 launch of the Wyoming Education Savings Account, the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) has established an information hub for residents to begin planning for the application process. The Wyoming Education Savings Account (ESA) Act was signed into law on March 21, 2024.  

“We are working hard to stand up this exciting new school choice program for Wyoming families,” said State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder. “That includes constant collaboration with national experts who have implemented ESA programs across the country, thus ensuring the process results in a user-friendly system that maximizes participation.” 

During the 2024 legislative session, $20 million was appropriated from the general fund to establish the ESA program. Beginning with the 2025-26 school year, $6,000 scholarships will be available each year to eligible Wyoming students in pre-K through grade 12. Families with a household income below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines will qualify. The funds will be deposited into an account, which families can use for approved education expenses, such as private school fees, tutoring, curriculum, home education, and more.

The WDE is developing a certification process to approve pre-k and non-public primary and secondary schools per the law. A list of certified education service providers will be published on the ESA program website when available.

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


CHEYENNE –The State of Wyoming, alongside a coalition of states and private parties, has taken legal action by filing a lawsuit opposing President Biden’s new rules interpreting Title IX. Title IX is a law designed to create educational and athletic opportunities, particularly for female students. The lawsuit argues the new rules are contrary to the core principles of Title IX, compromising safety and privacy, ultimately depriving female athletes of opportunities.

Governor Gordon voiced Wyoming’s firm stance, stating, “Wyoming will fight the Biden Administration’s attempt to rewrite Title IX. The state adamantly upholds its core principles of fairness, privacy and the sanctity of women’s sports, opposing any imposition of ambiguous standards that threaten these ideals,” Governor Gordon said. “This is yet another instance of federal overreach, seeking to impose a new interpretation on a longstanding law.”

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Megan Degenfelder applauded the lawsuit, stating, “In Wyoming, we protect our girls. We will never allow outrageous political agendas to get in the way of that. Not in bathrooms, not in education, not in sports. Period.” 

Biden’s new Title IX rule eliminates privacy protections to all students, replaces “sex” with “gender identity” and broadens the definition of what constitutes “discrimination on the basis of sex”, which directly contradicts the very purpose of Title IX.

The lawsuit further alleges the rule violates the First Amendment rights of educators, school employees and fellow students, as well as private organizations, who have sincerely held religious beliefs that would prevent them from complying with the rule. The rule  also raises due processes concerns on college campuses related to sexual harassment accusations.

The coalition is led by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach. The lawsuit also includes the states of Alaska and Utah as well as private parties. A copy of the full complaint may be found here.

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director