All posts by Kari Eakins

Wyoming High School Graduation Rate Rises to 80%

CHEYENNE – High school graduation rates in Wyoming increased slightly for the third consecutive year, according to information released by the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) today. Students achieved an “on-time” graduation rate of 80.0 percent in 2015-16, the highest since 2009-10 when it reached 80.4 percent.

Full graduation rate statistics are available at

“This past year we saw improvements in graduation rates almost across the board,” said State Superintendent Jillian Balow. “Our accountability system shines a light on graduation rates and at-risk students, and motivates schools to make sure no one is falling through the cracks. It’s good to see the hard work from students and schools paying off in this steady growth in our graduation rate.”

Wyoming Graduation Rate, Percent of high school students graduating "on time". A graph shows the graduation rate was 77.5% in 2012-13, 78.6% in 2013-14, 79,41% in 2014-15, and 80.0% in 2015-16. Students are counted in the four-year, or on-time, high school graduation rate if they earn a diploma by September 15 following their cohort's fourth year.

Students in classically marginalized populations saw gains as well. Graduation rates increased in 2015-16 for American Indian students, Hispanic students, English Learners, students with Individualized Education Programs, and students that are eligible for free and reduced price lunch.

Thirteen Wyoming school districts posted graduation rates of 90 percent or above:

  • Park #16: 100%
  • Sheridan #3: 100%
  • Fremont #24: 96.67%
  • Big Horn #2: 96.36%
  • Fremont #6: 96.00%
  • Teton #1: 95.86%
  • Sublette #9: 94.23%
  • Big Horn #4: 93.75%
  • Lincoln #2: 93.66%
  • Sheridan #1: 93.33%
  • Laramie #2: 91.18%
  • Weston #7: 90.48%
  • Washakie #2: 90.00%

Since the 2009-10 school year, the WDE has calculated graduation rates using the Federal Four-Year Adjusted Cohort methodology established by the U.S. Department of Education, complying with federal law that requires all states to calculate graduation rates the same way. Students are counted in the four-year (“on-time”) high school graduation rate if they earn a diploma by September 15 following their cohort’s fourth year. Five- and six-year graduation rates are also calculated, and can be viewed with the rest of the graduation rate data.

Graduation Rate Slideshow

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Media Contact:
Kari Eakins, Communications Director

S5S Highlights

Dear Superintendents,

Good morning and thank you for attending S5S 2017–it was wonderful to see many of you in Cheyenne!  To those who were unable to make it due to calendar conflicts or weather–we missed you! Here are a few highlights:

  • We heard from members of legislative leadership including House Speaker Harshman, Senate Majority Floor Leader Perkins, and House Education Chairman Northrup shared thoughts with the group
  • UW President Laurie Nichols outlined her first eight months in office including realizing a $40 million plus budget reduction and partnering with K12 education
  • Recognized persistently high performing schools (accountability) and Blue Ribbon schools
  • Celebrated the 2017 Wyoming Teacher of the Year, Ryan Fuhrman
  • National ESSA and education update from the Education Commission of the States
  • Breakout sessions with local and national experts
  • We hosted a well-attended legislative reception where educators and partners interacted with legislators.  We had excellent conversations that are certain to be continued.
  • Particpants toured the Judicial Learning Center and attended the Senate Education Committee.
House Speaker Steve Harshman shakes hands with State Superintendent Jillian Balow as he arrives at the podium to speak at the policy summit.
House Speaker Steve Harshman addresses educators at S5S

The 2017 Wyoming Legislature is in full swing.  As you have undoubtedly read and heard, education finance is the legislative priority for this session.  To reiterate, I favor action by the legislature this session to realize savings, cuts outside of the model as well as a one-time revenue infusion into education.  Additionally, I support convening a “super” committee during the interim to work on long-term changes to the funding model.  In essence, it’s vital that changes to the funding model be made in close partnership with stakeholders and with adequate time for input/feedback.

There are a number of important education bills in the queue–unrelated to finance–on topics including the Hathaway Scholarship Program, computer science education, civics, Indian education, online education, and more.  You can view, filter, and track progress of bills at 

Memos to be released on Tuesday, January 17, 2017:

*There are several memos this week about upcoming trainings.  Know that we are working to combine trainings and training dates to maximize efficiencies and savings for the State and the district.  At the same time we are ramping up the quality of the trainings we provide.  We ask that you and your district staff consider taking advantage of in-state trainings before looking beyond our borders.


The Start of the New Year

Dear Superintendents,

Cheers to 2017! I hope you rang in the new year with family and friends and found time to recharge your batteries. We are off and running in Wyoming education as the legislature prepares to consider a large volume of education bills on a variety of topics. I will have the opportunity to address legislators prior to the beginning of the session at their caucus. I look forward to sharing our accomplishments and challenges from 2016 and advocating for bills that help improve student outcomes.

Over the holidays, I sent you a special update about the release of “Wyoming K-12 Education Funding Deficit White Paper” and the upcoming Superintendent’s Summit, S5S. Here is an update on both:

White Paper

On December 19, the Joint Education Committee (JEC) formed the Subcommittee on Education Finance.  On December 28, the Subcommittee released the following document:

Feedback was requested by January 4, 2017. Here is a link to the feedback I submitted:

According to the white paper, discussions about school finance will take place during the first weeks of the legislative session. To stay abreast of scheduled hearings and meetings, I encourage you to check the Wyoming Legislature website at:

S5S-Superintendent’s Summit

A great opportunity to visit with legislators, district colleagues, and state leaders is quickly approaching. It’s likely that legislative hearings and meetings mentioned above will coincide with S5S–your district team is encouraged to attend and take advantage of all events in Cheyenne that week (legislature, S5S, State Board). Again, the Summit is free of charge for your district team of four. Please register at this link:

7th in the Nation

The annual Quality Counts Report (published by Education Week) was released on January 4. Wyoming moved up one spot from 8th to 7th in the nation for overall education quality. We far outpaced neighboring states and had the highest score in the western United States. All states are scored on a number of indicators in three areas:

  • School Finance
  • Student Achievement
  • Chance for Success

There is insightful information in the full report and state report card about our wise investments in education and our challenges with school achievement.

The state media release with my comments and links to the report can be found at:  

Several news articles have been published:

Memos to be released on Monday, January 9:


Wyoming Ranked Seventh in Education Quality

CHEYENNE – Wyoming was ranked seventh in the nation in Education Week’s 21st annual report card. Quality Counts – Under Construction: Building on ESSA’s K-12 Foundation gave Wyoming an overall score of 80.3 out of 100 points and a grade of B-minus. Wyoming was scored the highest among western states and above the nation’s grade of C.

“The 2017 Quality Counts report serves as a reminder that we are doing great things for kids in our state,” said State Superintendent Jillian Balow. “Wyoming currently stands out as #1 in the nation when it comes to funding education equitably across all schools regardless of location or income levels. While Wyoming policymakers and educators rightly address our impending financial challenges, it’s essential that we continue to improve student achievement. According to the report, Wyoming is just above average in K-12 school achievement. While we are seeing progress on many achievement indicators, average is simply not where we need to be. Student outcomes remain my most important priority as State Superintendent. Thankfully, we are beginning to see the convergence of multiple efforts and initiatives including: a focus on career readiness; interventions for low-performing schools; a clearer connections between standards, assessments, and student success; and an overall shift from federal to state-led education. As this report shows, we have educators, students, families, and communities across our state who are dedicated and willing to see all students ready for success in school and life.”

The 2017 grades are based on three key indices: the Chance-for-Success Index; K-12 Achievement Index; and school finance.

– END –

Audio from Superintendent Balow

Quality Counts 2017: Report and Rankings

Quality Counts 2017: State Report Cards Map

Media Contact:
Kari Eakins, Communications Director

Wyoming Delegates Chosen for U.S. Senate Youth Program

CHEYENNE – Nicole Sanders, a senior at Powell High School, and Grace Anderson, a junior at Wyoming Virtual Academy, have been chosen to serve as Wyoming’s delegates for the United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP). The delegates receive an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. for an intensive educational experience, and a $10,000 scholarship from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation.

“The process to select Wyoming’s delegates was exhaustive and extensive, and these two candidates excelled at every turn,” said State Superintendent Jillian Balow. “Both Nicole and Grace are leaders who already serve their community in meaningful ways. They are outstanding students, and I’m proud to have them represent Wyoming as they meet with our nation’s leaders and experience public service firsthand.”

Nicole is on the Dean’s Honor Roll at Northwest College, in addition to being the student body president at Powell High School and a member of the National Honor Society. She volunteers for Loaves & Fishes, the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and as a youth basketball coach at the Community Recreation Department.

Grace is Wyoming’s State Vice-President for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, in addition to serving as a district officer and as a public relations officer for her local chapter. She is also a student mentor, strongly involved in AP and concurrent enrollment classes, and is the National Honor Society President at her school.

Delegates will hear major policy addresses by senators, cabinet members, officials of the Departments of State and Defense, and other federal agencies, as well as participate in a meeting with a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and the president of the United States. Each session includes an in-depth question and answer period. The 55th Annual USSYP Washington Week will be held March 4-11, 2017.

The mission of the USSYP is to provide an opportunity for students to gain an in-depth view of the Senate and the federal government, as well as a deeper understanding of the relationships between the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches. Two students are chosen from each state, along with two from the District of Columbia, and two from the Department of Defence Dependents Schools network.

– END –

Media Contact:
Kari Eakins, Communications Director


Dear Superintendents,

This week the WDE appeared at Joint Appropriations Committee hearings to present the agency’s additional 8% cuts. Here is a recap of comments I made to the committee:

  • Since taking office we have taken commensurate cuts with other agencies and made voluntary cuts to our budget and positions. Further cuts will be difficult.
  • I am committed to doing my part to realize budget cuts and efficiencies  and will bring attention to both our challenges and potential solutions.
  • The WDE was staffed with 143 FTEs in 2015, we are at 130 FTEs today.
  • My first priority as State Superintendent and CEO of the WDE is to provide expertise and support to school districts. I believe wholeheartedly that the most important decisions about education should be made at the local level. The WDE should serve as your #1 partner and support.
  • Internally, we are finished restructuring WDE and we are set up to be lean and effective. We continue to collaborate and team to meet the needs of schools across the state.
  • We maintain high standards for hiring new staff at WDE and seek the best employees to help reduce costs.
  • We are utilizing our federally funded staff in new ways through innovative teaming and work on implementing ESSA.
  • As a state we’ve made careful and research-based investments in education. Those investments pay off in big ways for our students. We have a strong infrastructure for a quality education for all students. I am nervous that the legislature will look for cuts with price tags that stand out – I caution us not to make decisions based on dollars but, rather, based on maintaining what we know is best for student outcomes and school success.


The Joint Health and Labor Committee met this week to discuss a number of Medicaid cost-saving measures. One recommendation was for schools to begin billing Medicaid for services delivered to eligible students. Wyoming is the only state not billing for said services. No vote was taken but I anticipate additional discussion and, possibly, an interim legislative study on the topic.


In last week’s update, I shared information and comments about school funding challenges, next week’s meetings, and S5S coming up in January. Here is a link to last week’s update.

****This is the last Friday update until 2017****

Memos will be sent on Mondays during the winter break observed by school districts

A group of FFA students stand on state holding their degrees.
FFA students in Laramie County #1 receive their Greenhand degrees
A man speaks at a podium during the press conference announcing the reduced rate for internet access.
Boys/Girls Clubs and Spectrum-Charter teamed up to provide internet access to families with children on free and reduced lunch for $14.99/month in Laramie County

There are no memos this week.


S5S Registration

Dear Superintendents,

Tis the season to plan to attend the Superintendent’s Summit (S5S) in January. Last year’s summit was a huge success and we are gearing up for an even better second year! Please mark your calendars and assemble your team for S5S in Cheyenne on January 12-13. Here are a few highlights:

  • Interact with legislators at a hosted reception
  • UW President Nichols, and ECS’s Jeremy Anderson give keynotes exlusive to Wyoming’s opportunity to forge ahead
  • Tour the Wyoming Judicial Learning Center (opens on January 9)
  • Vegas Break
  • Continued and new conversations with colleagues and experts
  • Coincides with State Board meeting

Registration for a team of four is free of charge-there is an add-on fee if you want to bring additional participants. A room block at Little America is now open. We suggest your team of four include:

  1. Superintendent or district administrator
  2. Board chair or designee
  3. Teacher of the Year or outstanding teacher
  4. Principal of the Year or outstanding principal


S5S 2017. 2017 Wyoming State Superintendent's Policy Summit. Register at


Both the Joint Appropriations and Joint Education committees meet in December to discuss school finance. Many superintendents are planning to attend the meetings and I look forward to more in-depth discussions with you.

To reiterate my message, which is the same as last year, our state’s fiscal situation requires austerity. Education must remain a priority for our state. We must work together to make the necessary cuts and find savings so that essential education programs and opportunities for students do not deteriorate.

Also, next week the Joint Health and Labor Committee meets to discuss three Medicaid recommendations made by the National Council on State Legislatures (NCSL). One recommendation is to seek reimbursement for special education services for students who are on Medicaid. We are the only state that has not implemented this practice. To be clear, I support continued 100% reimbursement for Special Education with Medicaid recoupment as an “extra” for the state, of which part should be returned to schools. WDE leaders will be on hand to answer questions and offer comments at next week’s meeting.

Leadership and committee assignments for the new legislature were finalized recently. Many of the new members will be in the audience at upcoming meetings. Here are members of the 2017-18 House and Senate Education Committees:

House: David Northrup-Chair, Debbie Bovee, Landon Brown, Jamie Flitner, John Freeman, Hans Hunt, Mark Kinner, Jerry Paxton, Garry Piiparinen

Senate: Hank Coe-Chair, Affie Ellis, Stephan Pappas, Chris Rothfuss, Jeff Wasserburger

More information about the upcoming legislative session can be found at:

A classroom of 4th grade students each sit at a laptop participating in an online program that teaches coding.
4th graders coding during Computer Science Education Week
Governor Mead and Superintendent Balow pose with a group of WDE staff and other stakeholders at the Governor's Office.
Governor Mead signs a proclamation for Computer Science Education Week-a first for Wyoming
Superintendent Balow with Rita Watson at the WDE All-Staff Meeting.
Rita Watson has been andexecutive assistant at WDE for 47 years

Memos to be released Monday, December 12:


Two Wyoming Schools Selected for the National Title I Distinguished School Award

CHEYENNE – Woodland Park Elementary School in Sheridan County School District #2 and Evansville Elementary School in Natrona County School District #1 have been selected for the National Title I Association Distinguished School Award.

“Recognition as a Title I Distinguished School is earned, it doesn’t just happen,” said State Superintendent Jillian Balow. “We’re very proud of the exceptional work being done at Woodland Park and Evansville Elementary, and will be looking to them for promising practices and innovations to share with other schools.”

Woodland Park is awarded in the category of Exceptional Student Performance for Two or More Years. Their students have consistently met or exceeded expectations, and their assessment results demonstrate a commitment to high achievement and student learning. The school practices and use of Title I funds show sustained efforts to ensure that all students have an opportunity to succeed, including the manner in which their staff operate as a professional learning community to meet the needs of individual students.

Evansville is awarded in the category of Closing the Achievement Gap for their excellent work helping students on Free and Reduced Lunch perform well above the state average in math. More than 80 percent of their students are proficient or advanced in Math in several grade levels, and the students on Free and Reduced Lunch outperform the average student in the state. Evansville has ensured all students in the school recognize the importance of academics and helped students see the connections to the outside world, in particular through the use of a new greenhouse to promote STEM instruction at the elementary level.

Both schools will be recognized at the National Title I Conference in Long Beach, California February 22-25, 2017.

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Media Contact:
Kari Eakins, Communications Director

Wyoming Schools Celebrating Computer Science Education Week

CHEYENNE – Governor Matt Mead signed a proclamation today declaring Dec. 5-11 Computer Science Education Week. Wyoming schools have been encouraged to celebrate this inaugural event by participating in Hour of Code, a one-hour introduction to computer science.

“Hour of Code is a simple and fun way for teachers to help students learn the basics of what is really going on inside their computers,” said State Superintendent Jillian Balow. “There are tutorials for students of all ages and ability levels, it does not require any experience, and it’s free for schools to participate. Computing jobs have three times more demand in Wyoming than the state average, so this is a exciting way to show students one of the possibilities they have for their future that they may not have considered. Plus, this can help students learn more about the devices they use every day.”

All Wyoming schools that participate in Hour of Code will receive a signed certificate from the Governor and State Superintendent. A full list of participating schools is available here.

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Audio from Superintendent Balow

Media Contact:
Kari Eakins, Communications Director

Hour of Code

Dear Superintendents,

Next week is Computer Science Education Week. On December 5, Governor Mead kicks off the week with a proclamation signing. This event will take place at the Governor’s Office at 1:45 and the public is invited to attend. I am very excited to participate in Hour of Code at several schools across the state on Monday and Tuesday. Over 100 schools in Wyoming intend to host this and other virtual events next week. It’s not too late to plan a celebration in your schools. For more information, steer your schools


Final regulations for accountability under ESSA were published by the USDOE this week. Almost every concern Wyoming submitted during the comment period was addressed/remedied in the final regulations–good news. It is likely that these and all regulations will be analyzed on January 20 with the incoming presidential administration. Considering that these rules were mostly derived from a negotiated rulemaking process, I don’t anticipate they will change significantly.

A new U.S. Secretary of Education was named last week. Here is a link to one article about the new secretary, Betsy DeVos. She, and other political appointees will begin confirmation hearings after January 20.

Wyoming's Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, and State Treasurer hold their pot pies with State Superintendent Jillian Balow, a culinary arts student and their teacher, Mrs. Stutheit before the elected officials lunch.
Wyoming’s statewide elected officials were treated to lunch by Mrs. Stutheit’s culinary arts students on November 30
Elected officials and staff done hard hats for a tour of the Wyoming State Capitol building under renovation.
Tour of the Capitol Square Project–more at

Memos to be released: