05-08-2023 CTE Education Grant Offered

Pursuant to W.S. 21-12-105(b) and W.S. 21-13-337, a school district may apply to the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE), Career and Technical Education (CTE) unit, for state assistance to fund the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment for a new or existing career and technical education program in the district. These funds are separate and apart from the school foundation program amount awarded under the education resource block grant funding model. Any school district awarded the CTE demonstration project grant shall be ineligible to receive funds under this section for the period the district receives CTE demonstration project grant funds.

Grants shall be awarded up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per year for a total not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) over a period of two (2) years

To be eligible for this grant, school districts are required to first expend the entire amount generated by the education resource block grant model for supplies, materials and equipment for CTE programs. Districts will use expenditure data from the immediately preceding five (5) school years and amounts contained in a special reserve fund, created pursuant to W.S. 21-13-504, for supplies, material and equipment for CTE programs. The Grant application contains a worksheet to assist districts in calculating their eligibility.

Districts shall complete an application for these funds no later than June 30, 2023. The WDE shall provide each applicant with a written statement of the reasons for approving or denying the application no later than August 15, 2023. Preference will be given to districts that have not received a grant under the program in the immediately preceding five school years.

Complete an application for the State CTE Grant grant.

For more information, contact Ilaine Brown, CTE Education Consultant at 307-777-3549 or ilaine.brown1@wyo.gov.