01-08-2024 Help Prevent Childhood Hunger and Poor Nutrition this Summer

The Wyoming Summer Food Service program for kids offered through The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) serves thousands of meals each summer to Wyoming children and teens. Last year, Wyoming Summer Food Service Program sites provided 212,155 meals and snacks to children and teenagers throughout Wyoming.  

To head off hunger and poor nutrition, the WDE is seeking sponsors for a federally funded program that provides nutritious meals and snacks to children in low-income areas during the summer months. Typical sponsors include public and private nonprofit schools; local, municipal, county, tribal, and state government entities; private nonprofit organizations; public and private nonprofit camps; houses of worship; and public and private nonprofit universities or colleges.

Summer food program sites must be in a school attendance area where 50 percent or more of students are eligible for free and reduced-price meals or within the boundaries of a U.S. Census block where at least 50 percent of children are eligible for free and reduced-price meals at school. Once those criteria are met, the site is open to all children under age 18 in the area.

Sponsors are reimbursed a set amount per each meal served. 

Visit here to learn more about the Summer Food Service Program and how to become a sponsor. For more information, contact Marianne Kerzman, Nutrition Consultant at 307-777-6262 or marianne.kerzman1@wyo.gov.

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