“The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program is authorized under Title IV, Part B, of the Every Student Succeeds Act. This state-administered, federal grant program offer competitive grant opportunities for three-five year projects to establish or expand high quality afterschool and summer learning programs that provide pre-kindergarten through twelfth-grade students (particularly students who attend schools in need of improvement) with a) academic and learning support, b) a broad array of enrichment opportunities to help students meet state and local
standards in core content areas along with youth and education development activities, and c) to offer families of 21st CLCLC participants opportunities for active and meaningful engagement in their children’s education. All programs implement intentionally designed programs, based on local needs and context, aligned to the Wyoming 21stCCLC Grant Performance Goals.
Programs seek partnerships to strengthen the quality and variety of opportunities and well as improve the relationships and connections for students within their community. Applicants and existing programs can review the list of External Organizations within the state to build their community and regional partnerships.
For additional information including 21stCCLC Coordinator resources and links, and previous grant competition Project Guides, contact karen.bierhaus@wyo.gov.
Upcoming Competitions
The WY 21stCCLC program is planning a competition for Spring 2027 with possible competitions each fiscal year dependent upon additional funding at the Federal level.