Dear Superintendents,
There will be no update from me next Friday. Memos will still be sent to superintendents on Fridayin advance of Monday’s public release. I will be at the Women’s Antelope Hunt in Ucross.
Wyoming is embarking on so much work to improve teaching and learning for students. I am particularly encouraged by partnerships that impact policy where government, teachers, education leaders, the employer community, higher education, and others work together. Solutions only arise when all the right people are working together.
It is a pleasure to represent K12 education as a member of the Community College Commission and as a trustee at the University of Wyoming. Seamless transitions from high school to post-secondary is something we talk a lot about but struggle to operationalize. In our math standards review and development work we are moving full steam ahead.
The math standards review committee has representation from higher education, K12, and business. We intentionally boosted the involvement of post-secondary members and asked them to work across grade bands. They give valuable input on the progression of math skills from Kindergarten through 12th grade and beyond.
We all know there is no such thing as a “silver bullet” to solve complex education issues like college math remediation. That’s one reason we will continue to think carefully about how assessment, professional development, and more can be utilized or enhanced to improve student outcomes. Underpinning this work are ongoing conversations between the K12 and higher education communities.

Superintendent Balow, Dr. Jim Rose, and UW President Laurie Nichols discuss math alignment between high school and college

Superintendent Balow at the Wyoming Afterschool Alliance Fall Conference in Cheyenne

The FFA State Officer Team at the Blue Jeans Ball in Bar Nunn
Memos to be released on Monday, October 9:
- 2017-113: Open Range Wyoming Call for Participation
- 2017-114: National Title I Distinguished Schools Application
- 2017-114-attachmenta: 2017-18 Application
- 2017-114-attachmentb: Applicat
ion Rubric