The following school districts have been approved to provide virtual education programming to students statewide. Students can participate in statewide virtual education programs by enrolling in the district where the program is located, or through an agreement between their resident district and the program district when the two districts allow for those arrangements. Students in statewide virtual education programs are enrolled in brick and mortar schools within the district providing the program or their neighborhood school when there is an agreement between the resident and program districts.

Wyoming Connections Academy

Wyoming Connections Academy is a K-12 online program of Big Horn County School District #1 that provides students with access to online courses taught by Wyoming certified teachers and allows students the opportunity to complete their education in an environment that is best suited to their learning needs.

  • Program Type: Full-time; Statewide
  • Grade Levels: K-12
  • Contact: Shannon Siebert – – 307-587-5028
  • Enrollment Schools: Rocky Mountain Elementary, Rocky Mountain Middle School, and Rocky Mountain High School

Spur Virtual Academy

Spur Virtual Academy, a program of Fremont County School District #25, offers their program statewide to students in grades K-8 giving them the option of completing their coursework in a virtual learning environment.

  • Program Type: Full-time; Statewide
  • Grade Levels: K-8
  • Contact: Justin Taylor – – 307-856-9192
  • Enrollment Schools: Willow Creek Elementary, Rendezvous Elementary, and Riverton Middle School
Virtual Prep Academy of Wyoming

The Virtual Preparatory Academy of Wyoming (VPA of Wyoming), a program of Lincoln County School District #1, is a fully online program with individualized, college and career-focused education in an interactive learning environment. This statewide program features an innovative and interactive curriculum, fully aligned to the Wyoming Content Standards and taught by talented Wyoming state-certified teachers. VPA of Wyoming is dedicated to academic excellence that empowers and prepares students for a world of opportunity.

  • Program Type: Full-time, Part-time; Statewide
  • Grade Levels: K-8
  • Contact: Teresa Chaulk – – 307-877-9095
  • Enrollment Schools: Canyon Elementary School and Kemmerer Junior Senior High School
Wyoming Virtual Academy

Wyoming Virtual Academy, a program of Niobrara County School District #1, brings learning alive for students with a personalized program of engaging courses, caring teachers, and a vibrant school community.

  • Program Type: Full-time, Part-time; Statewide
  • Grade Levels: K-12
  • Contact: Joe Heywood – – 307-334-1001
  • Enrollment Schools: Lusk Elementary, Lusk Middle School, and Niobrara County High School
Cowboy State Virtual Academy

The Cowboy State Virtual Academy at Sheridan County School District #1 offers an online distance learning program for students studying at home. CSVA uses the personalized learning curriculum from SchoolsPLP. Students may enroll full-time or part-time in grades K-12 and complete their studies online, at their own pace, with support from Wyoming certified teaching staff.

  • Program Type: Full-time, Part-time; Statewide
  • Grade Levels: K-12
  • Contact: Fred Hollingshead – – 307-655-9541 Ext. 1144
  • Enrollment Schools: Tongue River Elementary, Tongue River Middle School, and Tongue River High School
Braintree Academy

The BrainTree Academy– Wyoming virtual education program provides full-time personalized core and elective courses to students in grades K-8 located anywhere in the state.

  • Program Type: Full-time, Statewide
  • Grade Levels: K-8
  • Contact for K-8: Denise Dutta – – 307-228-4443
  • Enrollment Schools: Upton Elementary and Upton Middle School