Vision for Virtual Education Programs
That all students shall gain greater access and opportunity for achievement through rigorous, relevant coursework delivered via virtual programming in conjunction with local schools; and , that students shall experience increased choice and flexibility within the state and local policy structures that ensure high-quality education while honoring local control traditions.
Goals for Virtual Education Programs
The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) is making funds available in accordance with the 2008 Wyoming Session Laws 204-05 for the purpose of developing and sustaining K-12 virtual education courses offered through Virtual 307 programs.
Eligibility Requirements
Wyoming school districts described in W.S. 21-3-101 through W.S. 21-3-104, community colleges as defined in W.S. 21-18-102(a)(vii), and the University of Wyoming as established by W.S. 21-17-101 are eligible to participate when providing opportunities specifically intended for secondary students. These providing entities are hereby referred to as Virtual Education Program Providers and members of the Virtual 307.
Applicants to this grant MUST be approved Virtual 307 members prior to April 30, 2025 to be eligible for the 2025-2026 DEG.
2025-26 Grant Application Period
April 1 – 30, 2025
DEG applications will be due by midnight on April 30, 2025. The purpose of this grant is to develop and maintain virtual education programs in Wyoming. The DEG application can be found in eGMS. Applications and submissions will be completed within eGMS.
A total of $170,00.00 will be available in the 2025-2026 DEG funding cycle for eligible Wyoming public school districts, community colleges, and the University of Wyoming for the development and maintenance of distance education Virtual 307 courses and programs offered by school districts.
Requests for clarification of requirements or for other assistance in preparing and submitting a DEG application should be directed to Jessica Hooper at 307-777-7418 or
Funding award letters shall be sent to each applicant’s superintendent (or college administrator) and the designated applicant DEG Administrator on or before June 1, 2025. Upon acceptance of the award, the funds will be set up in eGMS.