Dear Superintendents,
The week wrapped up with snow in some of our communities–fall is definitely here! With that comes additional announcements (memos) from our office. Many are the annual requests for data and the dissemination of information while some have brand new information and opportunities. As I have for the past several years, I will continue to send memos for you to preview with this update–they go public on Mondays. The WDE also shares information via social media. If you, your board members, or your staff are not connected to our social media sites, links are at the bottom of this update.
The Joint Education Interim Committee met this week in Casper to hear from stakeholders about school finance and education issues. The meeting wrapped up late this afternoon.
AdvancED held their Continuous Improvement Conference in Laramie. Former State Superintendent Judy Catchpole and Cody Superintendent Ray Schulte were recognized for their service on the council and Lovell Superintendent Rick Woodford received an award for his leadership.

Lovell Superintendent Woodford is honored for his leadership

Judy Catchpole is honored for her service to the AdvancED council
- 2018-112: WDE950: Graduating Student Transcripts
- 2018-113: WDE949 – 9th Grade Transcripts
- 2018-114: Safe2Tell Supplies and Video Contest
- 2018-115: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Training Opportunity
- 2018-116: 2017-18 Digital Learning Plan Annual Report
- 2018-116 attachment a: Digital Learning Plan Annual Report Executive Summary
- 2018-116 attachment b: Digital Learning Plan Annual Report
- 2018-116 attachment c: Wyoming Education Trust Fund Grant Annual Report
- 2018-116 attachment d: Distance Education Grant Annual Report