Dear Superintendents,
I ask that you please spend time previewing the attached memos. In particular, there is a memo about calculating AYP during the transition from NCLB to ESSA. Last year, I encouraged our state to focus on state-driven performance reports versus AYP. The reports are aligned with the Wyoming accountability system and present an accurate reflection of the successes and challenges in our schools. This year, performance reports is all we will focus on since AYP will not be calculated. Over the next several weeks, additional ESSA guidance will be conveyed to you. The USDOE released a helpful FAQ document that most of your have seen. In case you haven’t, here is a link to it:
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or suggestions on how to best communicate the information.
This week I spent time with incoming UW President Laurie Nichols at the Trustees’ meeting. She officially starts her new post in May and brings energy, experience, and a depth of knowledge about K12 education. We’ve already begun a robust conversation about dual/concurrent enrollment, curriculum alignment, teacher/leader preparation and more. I am anxious for you to meet her.

Incoming UW President Dr. Laurie Nichols
Memos to be released Monday, March 28:
- Memo 2016-047: 2015-16 Hathaway UOS Certification
- Memo 2016-048: Public Input Period on Revised Standards
- Memo 2016-049: Updated Temporary School Closure Form
- 2016-049-attachment-a: Temporary School Closure Notification Form
- 2016-049-attachment-b: Sample Temporary School Closure Form
- Memo 2016-050: Ongoing PD for Students with Significant Disabilities
- Memo 2016-051: Title I School Improvement and AYP Update