The Wyoming Department of Education CLSD Team invites educators and administrators to register for two premier literacy events. The 2025 Embracing Literacy Conference: SOAR’ing with Language and Literacy will be held June 10–12 at the University of Wyoming Conference Center in Laramie and the Language and Literacy Leaders Symposium which precedes the conference on June 9. Learn more and register here.

Embracing Literacy will feature regional and national speakers, including Anna Geiger, Natalie Wexler, Laura Stewart, Dr. Kim St. Martin, Dr. Pam Kastner, Dr. Claude Goldenberg, Dr. Nell Thompson, Dr. Terrie Noland, Jeanne Schopf, Dr. Dale Webster, and Maya Goodall. Experts will share insights on the science of reading, evidence-based practices, and high-quality language and literacy materials. The conference is open to leaders, educators, legislators, parents, and stakeholders across Wyoming. 

The Language and Literacy Leaders Symposium will feature the same esteemed national speakers as Embracing Literacy, ensuring alignment and continuity. These experts will offer deeper insights into evidence-based practices and high-quality literacy instruction. This event is for CLSD Subgrantee district teams, Principal Leadership Academy participants, Principal Mentor/Mentee teams, superintendents, district and school leaders, literacy leaders, literacy coaches, early childhood administrators, legislators, parents, and stakeholders from public, charter, private, and homeschool settings.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hilton Garden Inn. Book a room now or contact the hotel at 307-745-5500.

For more information, contact Claudia Ladd, CLSD Program Manager, at or 307-777-3360 or 307-275-1383.