Dear Superintendents,
Since 2015, the WDE has worked strategically and diligently to strengthen professional development offerings. So far in 2017, over 1,500 Wyoming educators have attended conferences and trainings sponsored by the WDE. To meet the demand for quality professional development we have:
- Evaluated all trainings and made adjustments to ensure relevance and evidence base
- Co-sponsored events with our partners
- Added an annual State Superintendent’s Policy Summit (S5S)
- Aligned all professional development with Wyoming’s education vision and the statewide system of support
- Provided a number of micro-trainings delivered via web conference or on-site in schools
Our marquee conferences are in the works for 2018, including S5S. Training opportunities continue throughout the school year with smaller cohorts of teachers, leaders, and other education professionals. Also, there are many opportunities to be involved on task forces, committees, and ad-hoc policy groups. We welcome new teachers, leaders, superintendents, and others to the conversation.
I firmly believe the the greatest wisdom and expertise about education in Wyoming comes from within our communities and schools. Whether we are learning from one another or making policy decisions collaboratively, the students of Wyoming benefit the most when we work together.
Wyoming Teacher of the Year (WTOY)
It is a privilege to announce Sara Reed as Wyoming’s 2018 Teacher of the Year. She teaches Kindergarten at Hillcrest Elementary School in Gillette. We’ve built the WTOY program over the past several years even with reduced fiscal resources. In addition to utilizing the WTOY to provide input on policy and to advocate for the teaching profession, we have asked past and present teachers of the year to weigh in on policy decisions, standards, budgets, and more. I look forward to continuing to showcase this program through Sara’s leadership and advocacy in 2018.

Sara Reed is Wyoming’s 2018 Teacher of the Year

Finalists for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching

WDE presents on the WY-TOPP at the Math and Science Conference in Casper this week
Memos to be released on Monday, October 23:
- 2017-116: 2017-18 Revised Allocations
- 2017-116-attachment: USED Notification