04-22-2024 Wyoming Education Trust Fund For Innovative Education Grant
The Wyoming Department of Education distributes funding to support innovation in education through the Wyoming Trust Fund for Innovative Education…
04-22-2024 Call for Presentation Proposals: Wyoming Innovations in Learning Conference
The eighth annual Wyoming Innovations in Learning Conference will be held October 21–22, in Casper. Advancements in teaching, like personalized…
04-22-2024 Science Educators Needed for WY-TOPP Reviews
The Wyoming Department of Education is seeking Wyoming educators to review science assessment items with educators from other states as…
04-22-2024 Expand Career Advising with Course for CTE Educators and Advisors
The Wyoming Department of Education will host a summer Facilitating Career Development Course specifically for Wyoming Career and Technical Education…
04-22-2024 Implement CS and AI Pathways with Free Code.org Resources
Code.org has launched a program to support districts in expanding K-12 computer science (CS) & AI pathways for students. Districts…
04-08-2024 WDE Seeks Public Comment on Proposed CTE Rule Changes
The Wyoming Department of Education seeks public comment on the proposed Chapter 36 rules pertaining to W.S. 21-12-105, Career and…
04-08-2024 WY-TOPP Summative Assessment Window
The WY-TOPP Summative Assessment Window will open April 16–May 10. This includes ELA and Math for grades 3–10 and Science…
04-08-2024 WDE Seeks Math and Science Extended Standards Review Committee Members
The Wyoming Department of Education is seeking committee members to review Math and Science Extended Standards to align them with…
04-08-2024 Wyoming Advisory Panel for Students with Disabilities to Meet
The Wyoming Advisory Panel for Students with Disabilities (WAPSD) will hold a public meeting from 8:30 a.m–4:30 p.m. on May…
04-08-2024 Apply to Become the 2025 Wyoming Teacher of the Year
To apply for the 2025 Wyoming Teacher of the Year (WTOY), complete this application by June 28. Guidelines for applicants…
02-26-2024 Call for Presenters for Native American Education Conference
The Wyoming Department of Education is seeking presenters for the 15th annual Native American Education Conference on August 6–8 at…
02-26-2024 WDE Awards $1.66 Million for Afterschool and Summer Learning
The Wyoming Department of Education has awarded a total of $1.66 million during FY 2023 to eight applicants for the…