It is required by law that all Trade, Correspondence, Distance Education, Technical, Vocational, Business and Other Private Schools are licensed prior to operating or doing business in the state of Wyoming.

Wyoming Statutes 21-2-401 through 21-2-407; and WDE Rules and Regulations Chapters 1, 18, and 30.

Private Degree Granting Postsecondary schools are regulated by Chapter 30 of the Wyoming Department of Education Rules and Regulations.

WICHE recently approved Wyoming as a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) member. Approved SARA institutions are not required to register with the State of Wyoming in order to offer educational services to Wyoming students. A list of approved SARA institutions may be found here.

Private Non-Degree Granting Postsecondary schools are regulated by Chapter 1 of the Wyoming Department of Education Rules and Regulations.

Private Non-Religious K-12 schools are governed by Chapter 18 of Wyoming Department of Education Rules and Regulations.