Dear Superintendents,
This week, the United States Department of Education (USED) announced a second round of grants for a student-centered pilot. This marks a significant shift from state-selected sub-grantees to local school and district grantees. As part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), this grant could afford local flexibility from certain federal requirements. Memo 218-065 has more information.
CTE-Carl D. Perkins
Efforts to reauthorize the Carl Perkins (Career and Technical Education) Act might be resurrected. An interesting article from Bloomberg points to recent interest from the White House – specifically Ivanka Trump – motivating Senators to come back to the table to discuss reauthorization. The House passed a CTE bill nearly a year ago, and the Senate has been hung up over debate on secretarial prohibitions. If Senators Alexander and Murray can negotiate that hurdle, they may be able to reach a deal – but time is limited and the clock is ticking on highly sought after Senate floor time in this election year.
Memos to be released on Tuesday, May 29, 2018:
- 2018-065: Pilot Student-Centered Funding Program
- 2018-066: Congressional App Challenge
- 2018-067: Native American Education Conference
- 2018-068: Accountability Timeline for 2018-19 and Beyond
- 2018-068 attachment a: Accountability Timeline