Dear Superintendents,
This week, the United States Department of Education (USED) announced a second round of grants for a student-centered pilot. This marks a significant shift from state-selected sub-grantees to local school and district grantees. As part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), this grant could afford local flexibility from certain federal requirements. Memo 218-065 has more information.
CTE-Carl D. Perkins
Efforts to reauthorize the Carl Perkins (Career and Technical Education) Act might be resurrected. An interesting article from Bloomberg points to recent interest from the White House – specifically Ivanka Trump – motivating Senators to come back to the table to discuss reauthorization. The House passed a CTE bill nearly a year ago, and the Senate has been hung up over debate on secretarial prohibitions. If Senators Alexander and Murray can negotiate that hurdle, they may be able to reach a deal – but time is limited and the clock is ticking on highly sought after Senate floor time in this election year.

Wyoming Ag in the Classroom Bookmark Winners
Memos to be released on Tuesday, May 29, 2018:
- 2018-065: Pilot Student-Centered Funding Program
- 2018-066: Congressional App Challenge
- 2018-067: Native American Education Conference
- 2018-068: Accountability Timeline for 2018-19 and Beyond
- 2018-068 attachment a: Accountability Timeline