Dear Superintendents,
Wyoming made a big splash with the release of NAEP scores this week. In addition to consistently performing above average in grades 4, 8 in both math and reading, Wyoming is closing achievement gaps for economically disadvantaged and special education students. Students across the state are taking advantage of educational opportunities that are a result of equitable and adequate funding. Here is a link to the press release for Wyoming NAEP scores:
The WY-TOPP summative assessment window opens next week. Our staff, AIR, and your coordinators will all have resources to provide technical assistance as needed.

NAEP Day panel with superintendents from DoDEA, CA, and FL

State Loan and Investment Board (SLIB) hears from the UW Portfolio Management class who invest a portion of Wyoming’s sovereign wealth on Thursday
Memos to be released on Monday, April 16:
- 2018-048: Implementing District Foster Care Plans
- 2018-049: Native American Student Pacesetter Awards
- 2018-050: 2018 FREE Summer Learning Opportunities for Students