S5S was a remarkable event and I thank each and every one of you for contributing. Over 150 attended! Those who participated brought with you enthusiasm, ideas, and questions. I hope you left feeling inspired and motivated. If you weren’t able to attend, you were with us in spirit and probably the butt of a few jokes made by your colleagues. I have a feeling S5S will make a comeback in 2017!
All conference materials will soon be available electronically but I want to share with some urgency the following presentation slide deck from Richard Laine, Education Director at the National Governor’s Association. http://edu.
In particular Richard Laine walked through the major components of ESSA and how states now have the responsibility and flexibility to make impactful decisions. I think you will find that the themes and talking points are compelling and informative.
Here are some photos from S5S: A New Conversation and a video about Wyoming’s Teacher of the Year Amy Pierson:

Richard Laine opens S5S

Supt. Marty Kobza and WPR Reporter Aaron Schrank on a panel
Here are the memos that will be released to district leaders and the public on Tuesday, January 19, 2016:
- Memo 2016-003: School Health Profiles Survey
- Memo 2016-004: 2016 Wyoming Homeless Point-in-Time Count
- 2016-004-attachment: Unsheltered Count Form
- Memo 2016-005: National Youth Science Camp Applications
- Memo 2016-006: Hathaway Scholarship Program Orientation
- Memo 2016-007: CTE Course Approval Timeline
Have a wonderful weekend.