Wyoming school districts are required by W.S. 21-16-1307(f)(i) to submit a list of courses that satisfy the Hathaway Scholarship Program’s Success Curriculum (HSC) requirements. Courses must be submitted to the Wyoming Department of Education for verification through the WDE638 collection and then reviewed inside the Hathaway Course Verification Application. Courses must be submitted by October 17 following the steps below.

Steps for the 2025-26 HSC Course Verification:

  1. Submit Statement of Assurance via hathawayscholarship@wyo.gov.
  2. Submit WDE638 with new courses marked as “yes” under the Hathaway indicator.
  3. Verify and certify courses in the Hathaway Course Verification Application.
  4. Notify Bradley Barker after submitting the WDE638 at bradley.barker@wyo.gov. 

Districts must have a certified list from the Hathaway Course Verification Application for courses to be publicly displayed. District personnel may also sign up online for one-on-one training or contact bradley.barker@wyo.gov for support. 

8th Grade Unit of Study

Included in the Statement of Assurance is the 8th Grade Unit of Study verification. The 8th Grade Unit of Study is a requirement of W.S. 21-16-1308 (i)(C) that states districts must provide any student entering the eighth grade a one-week unit of instruction. Learn more about the 8th Grade Unit of Study. For additional information, contact Bradley Barker, Hathaway Scholarship Consultant, at bradley.barker@wyo.gov or 307-777-6226.