• Accountability Reports

    What is School Accountability? A school accountability system provides information about the quality of education received by Wyoming students to help determine which schools are doing well and which schools are in need of assistance. Wyoming is held accountable at both a state and federal level. State accountability is defined in the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act [...]

  • Teacher & Leader Evaluation

    Leader Evaluation System As required in Chapter 29 Rules, any district leader evaluation system that does not align to six of the seven state-defined leader evaluation professional standards must be submitted and approved by the State Board of Education. Complete this submission form for leader evaluation for review by the Wyoming State Board of [...]

  • Teacher of the Year

    The Teacher of the Year program honors excellence in teaching around the state of Wyoming. John Corbin John Corbin teaches social studies in grades nine through 12 at Cody High School in Cody, Wyoming. Corbin holds a Bachelor of Arts in history with a secondary education emphasis from the [...]

  • Early Childhood Readiness

    Early Learning is a critical component of a child’s education. Research has linked early intervention with both cognitive and socio-emotional gains since the early 20th century, and clearly shows that children enrolled in a form of early learning programs benefit by receiving an education before kindergarten. Studies show that children enrolled in these programs [...]

  • K-3 Reading Assessment & Intervention

    Pursuant to authority granted under W.S. 21-3-401, Reading Assessment and Intervention, the Wyoming Department of Education has drafted rules as directed by this statute. The statute directed the state superintendent, in consultation with Wyoming school districts, professionals in the area of reading difficulties, including but not limited to dyslexia, and other appropriate stakeholders, to [...]

  • Digital Learning

    Wyoming’s 2023-28 Digital Learning Plan In keeping with the requirements of W.S. 21-2-202(a)(xx), the 2023-2028 Digital Learning Plan (DLP) goal is to provide equal access to educational instruction and information to every student in the state. A representative Digital Learning Plan Advisory Panel was convened to guide development of the plan [...]

  • Civics Ed Center

    The Civics Ed Center was created in collaboration with the University of Wyoming – Malcolm Wallop Civic Engagement Program. The project marks the completion of a goal within the Develop Citizenship for Students initiative in Superintendent Megan Degenfelder’s WDE Strategic Plan. The center is the result of the work of a subcabinet of education [...]

  • Native American Education

    On Aug. 15, 2018, Governor Matt Mead approved additions to the  Wyoming Social Studies Content and Performance Standards that resulted from passage of House Bill 76. The bill, which became law, required the history, traditional culture and contemporary contributions of Wyoming and regional Native American tribes be included in those standards – which outline [...]

  • Statewide System of Support

    A multi-tiered system of supports, or MTSS, is a framework that focuses on system-level change and continuous improvement across the classroom, school, and district to provide each student with opportunities to maximize academic achievement and develop skills for success.  The Wyoming MTSS Center is a cross-division effort to support local Wyoming educators in [...]

  • Certification & Licensing

    Wyoming teachers are certified by the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board, an agency independent from the Wyoming Department of Education. 

  • Conferences

    STAR, Embracing Literacy, WAVE, WAVE Bootcamp, Native American Education, Innovations in Learning and more ...

  • Professional Development

    The WDE provides conferences and courses throughout the year.