• Media

    Stay informed with the latest news and media releases from the Wyoming Department of Education.

  • Strategic Plan

    Wyoming Education Reform The strategic plan and goals for education reform in Wyoming are based upon the voices of thousands of education stakeholders across the state, in order to create an education system reflective of the Wyoming people and our local economic needs. At the end of the day, our education system is about [...]

  • Leadership

    The Wyoming Department of Education is lead by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction...

  • Wyoming Transcript Center

    The Wyoming Transcript Center (WTC) allows Wyoming schools and districts to electronically transfer K-12 transcripts securely throughout the state. It also serves as a means for high schools to send electronic transcripts to post-secondary institutions in or out of state for college admissions purposes. The WTC is used to submit the following Wyoming Department of [...]

  • School District Enrollment & Staffing Data

    This publication provides data about school district staff, average salaries of staff by various classifications, and information on students related to enrollment by grade, gender and ethnicity. The information was compiled from local school district reports submitted each October to the Wyoming Department of Education. The tables on staffing provide full-time equivalents (FTE) for [...]

  • Hathaway Scholarship Reporting

    Current Data Hathaway Enrollment By Institution (All Students) Hathaway Enrollment By Institution (Wy Public School Graduates) Hathaway Enrollment By District (Wy Public School Graduates) Retention Rates by Institution and Scholarship Level Persistence Rate by Institution and Scholarship Level Loss Of Eligibility All Students Loss of Eligibility All Students After First Year Loss of [...]

  • Graduation Rates

    The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) announced that high school graduation rates remained relatively consistent, with 81.4 percent in 2022-23, a slight decrease of .4 percent from 2021-22’s 81.8 percent. Wyoming’s graduation rates have remained statistically strong – above 80 percent since 2015-16. Despite the decrease, 284 more students graduated last year, than the [...]

  • EDFacts

    EDFacts is a U.S. Department of Education initiative to put performance data at the center of policy, management, and budget decisions for all K-12 educational programs. EDFacts centralizes performance data supplied by K-12 state education agencies (SEAs) with other data assets, such as financial grant information, within the Department to enable better analysis and [...]

  • WISER Data System

    The Wyoming Integrated Statewide Education (WISE) Data System was created as a result of 2003 state legislation.  The Wyoming Integrated Education (WISE) Data System supports the development, data quality, security, and management of student and staff data. The WISE Data System has created an infrastructure that supports the ability to have timely and accurate [...]

  • Data Governance

    The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) is responsible for producing many mandated reports, both state and federal, from data provided by local schools and districts. To ensure the legal, appropriate use and application of this data, the WDE Data Governance Committee was formed in June 2013. Data Request Logs Data Security Policy Templates All [...]

  • Consolidated State Performance Report

    The Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) is the required annual reporting tool for each State, the Bureau of Indian Education, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, as authorized under Section 8303 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The CSPR collects data on [...]

  • Assessment Reports

    Grades K-12 ELs – English Proficiency ELL Proficiency Rates by District and School (ACCESS) Grade 11 ACT Averages Grade 11 ACT State Test Day Outcomes – State, District, and School Level Combined Grades 3-10 WY-TOPP/WY-ALT Performance Results School Level District Level State Level Alternative School Reports Charter School Reports NOTE: [...]