• USDA Foods in Schools

    USDA has a dual mission of providing healthy food to children and supporting American farmers. All USDA Foods products are grown, processed, and packaged in the United States or its territories.  The USDA Foods in Schools program supports domestic nutrition programs and American agricultural producers through purchases of 100% American-grown and -produced foods for [...]

  • Summer Food Service

    The Summer Food Service Program (SUN Meals) ensures every child’s most important need is met: food. This program helps children get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow throughout the summer months when they’re out of school.  Through SUN Meals, kids of all ages can eat meals and snacks during the summer [...]

  • Special Milk

    The Special Milk Program provides milk to children in schools, child care institutions and eligible camps that do not participate in other federal child nutrition meal service programs. The program reimburses schools and institutions for the milk they serve. Schools in the National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program may also participate [...]

  • School Breakfast

    The School Breakfast Program (SBP) provides reimbursement to states to operate nonprofit breakfast programs in schools and residential childcare institutions. The Food and Nutrition Service administers the SBP at the federal level. State education agencies administer the SBP at the state level, and local school food authorities operate the program in schools. The [...]

  • National School Lunch

    The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. It provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or no-cost lunches to children each school day. The program was established under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, signed into law [...]

  • Fresh Fruit & Vegetable

    The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant Program (FFVP) provides all children in participating elementary schools with a variety of free fresh fruits and vegetables at designated snack times throughout the school day. It is an effective and creative way of introducing fresh fruits and vegetables as healthy snack options. The FFVP also encourages community [...]

  • Child & Adult Care Food

    The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides reimbursement for nutritious meals and snacks served to eligible children in child care centers, family day care homes, as well as to eligible adults in adult care centers. Wyoming’s program is funded by the USDA and administered by the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE). CACFP [...]

  • Deaf & Hard of Hearing

    The WDE Deaf or Hard of Hearing team provides consultative services and instructional leadership by offering training, support and guidance to all Wyoming school districts, child development centers and community organizations. The team's mission is to improve the quality of life for students impacted by hearing loss through training, support and guidance to families [...]

  • Vision Outreach

    Client Services Guide American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Quota Fund The Federal Act to Promote the education of the blind was established by Congress in 1879. This act is a means for providing adapted educational materials to eligible students who meet the definition of blindness. An annual registration of eligible students determines [...]

  • Dispute Resolution

    When disputes arise regarding educational services for children with disabilities, WDE offers an impartial system for resolving those disputes in an equitable manner. The Wyoming system includes: mediation, state complaint, and due process hearing options. More information about each of these processes can be found in the Quick Guide to Special Education Dispute Resolution [...]

  • Content Areas

    Computer Science 2020 Computer Science Standards 2023 Computer Science Standards Career & Technical Education (CTE) 2014 Career & Vocational Education Standards English Language Arts 2012 English Language Arts Standards Fine & Performing Arts 2013 Fine & Performing Arts Standards 2023 Fine Arts [...]

  • WDE Updates

    Access the latest WDE Updates: official communications and important information from the Wyoming Department of Education.