• A Busy Week

    Dear Superintendents, After a busy week, I'll begin by saying (maybe gloating) that next week memos will be sent out for your preview without an update--I'll be at the Women's Antelope Hunt. FYI, proceeds from this hunt are used to improve odds for Wyoming women and children. In 2016, the Wyoming Women's Foundation completed a [...]

  • 2016 School Performance Ratings Released for Wyoming Schools

    CHEYENNE - The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) released school performance ratings today. The state accountability measure shows that over half of Wyoming schools are meeting or exceeding expectations. “This year we have more schools meeting or exceeding expectations than ever before,” said State Superintendent Jillian Balow. “We’ve seen schools and communities focus their efforts [...]

  • Science Standards & State Fair

    Dear Superintendents, Wyoming's science standards have met another milestone as the final public comment period closed. Throughout the process more than 350 comments were taken making this last step more of a formality.  As we near the finish line, work on building teaching resources around Wyoming-specific science has already begun. Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom [...]

  • Coders of the West

    Dear Superintendents, We are excited to report a successful Coders of the West pilot that connects K-16 students with industry in a project-based computer coding "camp." I had the opportunity to speak to the aspiring coders and one student asked the all important question, "Why did you choose coding as an education initiative?" My response was [...]

  • Transportation, Career Readiness, and ESSA

    Dear Superintendents, It was wonderful to cheer for teachers who won the Arch Coal Teaching Award this week.  WDE attended the "surprise assemblies" for honorees at schools across the state and the fun continues next week as we celebrate all ten.  During Teacher Appreciation Week, I hope you found time to join festivities in your [...]

  • Unpacking ESSA

    Dear Superintendents, Whether pronounced es-uh, ē-suh, E-S-S-A, or the Every Student Succeeds Act, the new federal law is beginning to creep into our daily education conversations. In what seems like a very short time from now, we will be implementing ESSA statewide; nationwide. In short, here’s why ESSA is different and more significant than any [...]

  • A Tough Week for Coal and Oil

    Dear Superintendents, It's with a heavy heart that we see communities in Campbell County hit hard by changes in the coal and oil industry. Here are links to comments from Senator Enzi and an article that includes comments from Governor Mead's press conference yesterday. There are few, if any, words of optimism in light of [...]


    After nearly two decades as FCCLA State Advisor, Patty Micheli is ending a career punctuated with successes and challenges, but proud of the organization and what it’s meant to students and educators. We asked her to step back in time to recall the early days and look forward to the next era. Thank you Patti, [...]


    After nearly two decades as FCCLA State Advisor, Patty Micheli is ending a career punctuated with successes and challenges, but proud of the organization and what it’s meant to students and educators. We asked her to step back in time to recall the early days and look forward to the next era. Thank you Patti, [...]

  • Wyoming Graded Eighth in Education Quality

    CHEYENNE - Wyoming was ranked eighth in the nation in Education Week’s 20th annual report card. Quality Counts 2016 - Called to Account: New Directions in School Accountability gave Wyoming an overall score of 80.2 out of 100 points and a grade of B-minus. Wyoming was scored the highest among western states and above the nation’s [...]

  • Wyoming Graded Eighth in Education Quality

    CHEYENNE - Wyoming was ranked eighth in the nation in Education Week’s 20th annual report card. Quality Counts 2016 - Called to Account: New Directions in School Accountability gave Wyoming an overall score of 80.2 out of 100 points and a grade of B-minus. Wyoming was scored the highest among western states and above the nation’s [...]