Wyoming Department of Education > For District Leadership > THRIVE

The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) believes in the importance of supporting student and adult mental and emotional well-being as a key driver for academic and career success. To support this the WDE, in partnership with many stakeholders throughout Wyoming, has built THRIVE. The THRIVE (Think through decisions, Respect for others, Inspire action, Value relationships, Elevate Oneself) framework will support districts, schools, and out-of-school providers with building systems and student competencies that support their mental and emotional well-being. The framework is designed to support building student and adult competencies (knowledge, skills, and mindsets) and the conditions for success that adults create to support competencies associated with mental and emotional well-being.

THRIVE Info Sheet

Community of Practice Information 2024-25

WDE is currently accepting applications to be part of the THRIVE Community of Practice.  Participant sites may be single schools, several schools, or entire districts.  Community organizations that work with children are also invited to apply.  WDE will provide free training and support for coaches and leadership teams through the 24-25 school year.  Please see applications below or email for more information. 

THRIVE Pilot Webinar Recording (May 4, 2023)
THRIVE Pilot Webinar Presentation