Dear Superintendents,
Thanks to a partnership between the University of Wyoming and Ramsey Education, Wyoming high schools can receive financial literacy curriculum and entrepreneurship curriculum free of charge. Financial literacy continues to be a priority of mine and I encourage you to read my letter with more information:

Touring Munger Mountain Elementary, a dual language immersion school in Jackson, with USED’s Assistant Deputy Secretary Jose Viana.
Both Teton #1 and Laramie #1 welcomed Assistant Deputy Secretary Jose Viana on school visits as part of USED’s Back-to-School Tour. Jose is the Director of the Office of English Language Acquisition and both school districts were able to show their excellent work with English Learners and their families. You can read more on his visit in the articles linked below:
Memos to be released:
- 2018-102: Special Education Funding
- 2018-103: WDE453 Kindergarten Readiness Data Collection
- 2018-104: Guidance for Temporary School Closures
- 2018-105: Annual District Assurances
- 2018-106: Eighth Grade Unit of Study Certification Form
- 2018-106a: Certification Form
- 2018-107: Call for Teachers to Provide Geography Workshops
- 2018-108: Webinar for English Learners and Title III Funding