Dear Superintendents,
Today, draft Wyoming Science Content and Performance Standards were released. The WDE held a press conference this morning where we discussed the review/development process, the 41-person committee, and a few highlights in the standards and the process. We also fielded questions including how the committee reconciled controversial language and standards such as climate change. Here is a link to the media release and draft standards:
The committee shared their views on the review and development process in a video:
It was with the help of Wyoming superintendents that the standards review process was improved to include greater transparency and inclusiveness while maintaining a commitment to high rigor of standards. Thank you for your work!
Next week, the State Board will have an opportunity to discuss the draft standards and vote on next steps.

Wyoming Science Standards Review Committee reaches consensus
Legislative Update
The Legislative Management Council met on Wednesday to determine interim study topics for education:
Priority #: 1 Every Student Succeeds Act
Priority #: 2 Wyoming Accountability in Education Act (WAEA)
Priority #: 3 School Finance
Priority #: 4 Hathaway Scholarship Program
Priority #: 5 Alignment of public education efforts
Priority #: 6 Distance Education
Priority #: 7 Medically Necessary Placements
These are the topics that will be discussed in the interim at 3 x 2-day meetings. One or more of the topics may result in committee-sponsored legislation for the 2017 session.

Disability Awareness Proclamation

Lander receives its accreditation award along with others at the Spring AdvancEd Conference
Memos to be released March 14, 2016:
- Memo 2016-038: ESSA Highly Qualified Requirements
- Memo 2016-039: Embargoed Grad Rate Release
- Memo 2016-040: CTE Demonstration Project Grant Application
- Memo 2016-041: Comprehensive School Improvement Plans
- Memo 2016-042: Updated Hathaway Success Curriculum Course Waiver Form
- Memo 2016-042-attachment: Hathaway Course Waiver Form
- Memo 2016-043: Instructional Facilitators Grant Application
- Memo 2016-043-attachment: Estimated School Year 2016-17 Grant Awards
- Memo 2016-043-attachment: 2016-17 Grant Application and Report