03-24-2025 WY-ALT Assessment Item Reviews
The Wyoming Department of Education seeks educators to review assessment items for the WY-ALT tests. To indicate interest in participation,…
03-24-2025 State Assessment Calendar for School Year 2025-26
September 9, 2024–June 16, 2026 WY-TOPP Modulars: On-demand for Grades 3–11. September 9–October 3, 2025 WY-TOPP Interim (Fall): ELA &…
03-24-2025 Advisory Panel for Students with Disabilities to Meet
The Wyoming Advisory Panel for Students with Disabilities (WAPSD) will hold a public meeting from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.…
03-24-2025 Ongoing Equitable Services and Child Find Obligations
School districts are obligated under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to…
03-24-2025 WDE101 Out-of-State Tuition Reimbursement Data Collection
The Wyoming Department of Education is authorized to reimburse school districts for out-of-state tuition payments pursuant to W.S. 21-4-505. The…
03-24-2025 Attend the Wyoming Digital Government Summit
The Wyoming Digital Government Summit will take place on May 28 in Cheyenne. This free event brings together public sector…
03-24-2025 Month of the Military Child Proclamation Signing
The Wyoming Department of Education encourages military-connected educators and students to witness Governor Mark Gordon declare April the Month of…
03-24-2025 High School Students Encouraged to Attend U.S. Service Academy Information Session
If you are interested in becoming a Military Officer in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Space Force,…
3-10-2025 Grade 3 Writing Removed from WY-TOPP ELA Assessment
After careful consideration and in response to feedback from various stakeholders, Superintendent Degenfelder made the decision in Summer 2024 to…
3-10-2025 WDE Seeks Community Input and Participants for Career & Technical Education Standards Review
The 2014 Wyoming Career & Vocational Content and Performance Standards are up for review in the Standards Review Process. The…
03-10-2025 Register for Embracing Literacy and the Language and Literacy Leaders Symposium
The Wyoming Department of Education CLSD Team invites educators and administrators to register for two premier literacy events. The 2025…
03-10-2025 TeacherCon25 Presentation Proposals and Award Nominations Due March 15
Educators can celebrate America's upcoming 250th birthday while honoring our past, examining our present, and imagining our future at TeacherCon25,…