Who are Children and Youths in Transition?

What is meant by the term “children and youths in transition?” Section 725(2) of the McKinney-Vento Act defines “children and youths in transition as individuals who lack a fixed, regular,…

Homeless Education

…and Youths in Transition? What Rights do Children and Youths in Transition Have? Resources for Parents, Guardians, and Students Rules and Regulations McKinney-Vento Subgrant School District Local Liaison Resources  …

Federal School Accountability

…I Improvement As part of Wyoming’s transition to the ESSA, the Wyoming Department of Education will not be calculating AYP during the 2016-17 transition year. Schools and districts identified as…

Purple Star Schools

…Purple Star School Program recognizes the efforts of Wyoming K-12 schools that are committed and supportive of military students and families as they transition to their new homes and schools….

School District Local Liaison Resources

…Recommendations for Transitioning Unaccompanied Homeless Youth to Higher Education District/LEA Policy Checklist Homeless Education Program/Liaison Yearly Calendar Sample Liaison Responsibilities Checklist McKinney-Vento Referral Checklist Use-of-Title-IA-Set-Asides-for-Students-in-Transition New Liaison Training Tools LEA…