The WDE will confidentially release the 2023-24 state and federal accountability results to school districts on September 27. Districts will have until October 10 to review. District superintendents must verify online receipt and review of the data.

District personnel should review the school performance results for accuracy. While data sets used to calculate the indicators cannot be changed or corrected at this time, questions about indicators and accountability calculations will be addressed using this form.

The reports are provided via the secure District Data Reports portal. To access the portal, go to the Data and Reporting page, then Other Data Reporting, and then District Data Reports. Reports can be found by clicking on the Accountability Confidential tab.

Districts that identify errors in the calculations will be notified as corrections are made and reports are updated. The public release is scheduled for October 17. All results are embargoed and cannot be shared with local media outlets until publicly released.

Individuals with the following roles on the WyEd platform can access the reports: superintendent, principal, assistant principal, accountability coordinator, assessment coordinator, curriculum coordinator, special education director, and assessment confidential reports.

Individuals needing access or WyEd login credentials, contact the district WyEd Administrator.

For more information on Accountability, contact Sean McInerney, Accountability Director, at or 307-777-8740 or Jennifer Lahiff, Accountability Supervisor, at or 307-777-8752.

For more information on WyEd user rights, contact Susan Williams, Information Management Director, at or 307-777-6252.