In the 2023-24 school year, the Assessment Team provided the optional MODEL Interim Assessment to Wyoming districts. The MODEL Interim Assessment is an on-demand language proficiency assessment that can be administered at any time during the school year. WIDA and Wyoming have extended the existing MODEL licenses through June 1, 2025. With this extension, districts are able to utilize unused licenses remaining from last year for the 2024-25 school year.

WIDA MODEL is an interim English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) for students in kindergarten through grade 12. For kindergarten, it is a paper-based test only. For grades 1–12, it is available in either an online or paper version. Students taking the WIDA MODEL Interim can complete four domain tests, speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The MODEL Interim Assessment test items are aligned to WIDA’s five ELD Standards Statements and are locally administered and scored.

Test scores can be used to guide instruction, gather immediate English language proficiency level scores, monitor student current language growth, predict student performance on summative assessments, support formative assessment decision-making, and help educators make informed decisions about curriculum and programming. This data allows educators to pivot when needed to ensure students are receiving proper instructional support and to differentiate instruction to better serve each student’s needs.

MODEL Test Administrators are required to complete assessment training and review manuals before administering the test. All training materials are located in the Test Administrator Interface (TAI), in the training section. To participate in WIDA MODEL online, students must be added to the TAI, assigned test forms, and added to test sessions. Log into WIDA MODEL to access training and guides, administer tests, and review scores. 

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For flyers, bulletins, interpretive guides, videos, and additional resources and training, refer to the WIDA MODEL website. 

For more information, contact Antoinette Hallam, EL Consultant, at or 307-777-5217.