CHEYENNE – Wyoming’s graduating class of 2022 had an average composite score of 19.2 on the ACT according to The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2022. This is ACT’s annual report on the progress of U.S. high school graduates relative to college readiness.

“We are very proud of Wyoming’s class of 2022,” said Deputy Superintendent Chad Auer.  “This group of students, along with their teachers and parents, battled through a lot of adversity during their high school careers. Their perseverance and determination are commendable. As a state, we clearly have a lot to be proud of, and we have more work to do. I have no doubt that Wyoming’s outstanding professional educators will continue their long tradition of using data such as ACT scores to inform instruction.”

Wyoming state law requires all grade 11 students to take the ACT. Wyoming’s ACT graduating class data is based on students’ results from their last test taken before graduation.

Wyoming is among only six states that have participation results for 100 percent of graduating seniors. Of these, Wyoming ranks number one for average composite score. The percentage of Wyoming graduates who met ACT College Readiness benchmarks is above the national average in all four indicators of English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. About 70% of Wyoming students scored 17 or better and qualified for the Hathaway Scholarship Program.

Wyoming students, on average, scored 3.7% higher when they took the ACT multiple times. As part of the pandemic recovery effort, the Wyoming Department of Education is offering senior retakes in the Fall of school years 2022-23 and 2023-24, free of cost.

Graduates also have an opportunity to earn a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) by participating in the ACT WorkKey exam. Wyoming graduates earned more Bronze and Silver level NCRCs compared to the national average.

The Wyoming Readiness Report and ACT Profile Report can be found here.

ACT chart

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Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director