Dear Superintendents,
School visits are a highlight of being the State Superintendent. This week we made a special visit to a 6th grade classroom and celebrated the winner of the contest to name the new statewide assessment. The assessment is newly minted as the Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress, or WY-TOPP:
Media Release on School Visit for WY-TOPP
Of course students liked hearing that the test will be shorter, in color, and online. In the coming weeks, as the contract with American Institute for Research (AIR) is finalized, we will release details about WY-TOPP. Dates we know now:
Load Test: Sept. 5, 2017
Fall Standards Based Interim (SBI-optional): Oct. 23, 2017 – Nov. 17, 2017
Winter Standards Based Interim (SBI-optional): Jan. 16, 2018 – Feb. 9, 2018
Modular Interims (SBM-optional): Available All Year
Standards Based Summative (SBS): April 16, 2018 – May 11, 2018

Aiden and his class enjoyed a WY-TOPP celebration
Education and Economic Diversity in Wyoming
Several weeks ago, I shared a letter regarding my concerns about not having education well-represented on the executive committee of a new statewide initiative called Economically Needed Diversity Options for Wyoming, or ENDOW. I’m resharing the letter and the response from Governor Mead:
This week the steering committee for the Wyoming Business Alliance met in Casper–I serve as an honorary member on this committee. Education was the main focus of the meeting: funding, Wyoming Excels, and student outcomes. We all recognize that strong relationships between business/industry and education are essential. Education is a major player in economic development and diversity. Our great education system enhances our communities and makes moving or staying in Wyoming even more appealing. Since ENDOW is a broad based, multi-year effort, please consider how you and other education leaders can be part of the effort moving forward.
Memo to be released on Tuesday, May 30: