June 14, 2016

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) will hold a regular meeting on June 23-24, 2016 at the Converse County School District #1 boardroom located at 615 Hamilton Street in Douglas.

The board will hear reports from the SBE coordinator and Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) liaison about legislative tasks and updates, strategic action plan, and theory of action. Status reports will be provided on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Chapter 31 rules revisions, the 2017-18 biennium budget and the Statewide System of Support. Afterward, the board will hold discussions on Phase II of accountability in the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act as well as Native American education.

State Superintendent Jillian Balow will share an update with the board about the WDE. SBE committee chairs will then report on committee work. Additionally, other board members will report on their activities, which include participating in this month’s Tribal Relations Select Committee and Joint Education Committee meetings.

The board will also take action on accreditation for all Wyoming school districts and institutions, an alternative schedule for Lincoln County School District #2 and on SBE policies. The full agenda is available here and board materials are posted here.

All meetings are open to the public. You can join the meeting at https://www.gotomeet.me/WYOSBE, or dial (657) 220-3412, using access code 568-910-149.

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Media Contact:
Chelsie Oaks
(307) 777-6213